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85. Before beginning a weight-loss program, patients were tested for the
average number of calories they burned per day.  The program's doc-
tors gave each patient a diet limiting daily caloric intake to a set amount
below the patient's normal intake.  The doctors predicted how much
weight each patient who adhered to the diet would lose.  No patient,
however, lost as much weight as had been predicted.

Which of the following, if true, best explains why the patients did not lose
as much weight as the doctors had predicted?

      A Although they adhered to the diet in question, most of the patients
       had not had successful experiences adhering to other diets.  
      B When the patients limited their caloric intake, the average number
       of calories they burned per day fell.  
      C The program's doctors had successfully predicted the amount of
       weight loss for other patients.  
      D The abrupt decrease in the caloric intake that the patients were
       allowed did not prevent them from adhering to their diets.  
     E As the patients neared the end of their diets, many of them cut their
       caloric intake even further on their own.
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B 减肥前,测试了卡路里的消耗量。虽然患者的摄取量低于正常,但是体重没有减轻得那么多,因为消耗量降低了。





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