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[讨论]12月GMAT CR机经 22号更新

1,逻辑一道是大学推广电子卡在餐厅用餐,这样可以避免CASH被偷掉,而且卡上有照片,问哪个WEAKEN,一开始我没找到一个合适的,后来仔细一看,原来隐藏着最后——VENDING COMPANY也打算进驻学校,鼓励大家使用。

2,一 道逻辑比较绕,比较靠后了,是月球地球的,很多生词,我因为时间充裕就反复看,但现在表述不清楚了。大概意思就是地球饶月球,有一个行星应该也有月亮,但 是没有,说研究分析说其实是有的,ORBIT上没有,是被行星ABSORB了,问ASSUMPTION。我选了一句,不是被引力推出就是被ABSORB, 不知道对不对。

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4,逻辑有碰到GWD里面的题目,一道是说保险公司医药保费里面通常是不含herbal medicine的开支的,但是有保险公司开题给herbal medicine提供担保之后发现公司总的支出反而降低了,问有什么合理解释。我选的是E---这些公司成功地吸引到倾向于采用herbal medicine的顾客,而这些顾客通常的医疗支出较少。


6,有一篇讲公司headquater和geoghraphy的关系,第一段讲现象,好像是设在哪国哪国居民(individual)就愿意买. 第二段继续阐述,第三段分析可能的原因,第四段这个现象可能对portfolio的影响。

7,94年B的新政府上台。95年有20名记者因为批评政府而sended to prison,94年这一数据才2个,这说明B的新政府对Criticism不够包容,问weaken。(我选的是95年入狱的大部分都是在94年写东西批评前政府的)

8,Y国拥有高素质人口、很多全球知名大企业等等等等。Y国在研发上的投入只有经济水平相当的X国的75%,但是他们创造出来的科研成果却远远大于其他国家。How to explain this discrepancy?(我选Y国以更低的劳动成本招纳工程师)

9,科学研究发现**海底生物有着X(某种器官),这种器官帮助他们在水底能听得更清楚。S这种生物,作为whale的祖先,他们却没有X,于是科学家们推论S是生活在陆地上。问如何Support this hypothesis. (我选与S同时期的动物,生活在海洋中的都拥有X器官)

10,关于Iron-absorption-carbon dioxide关系


11,CR有一道那个 动物园的工作人员由于常常接触动物 30%被感染XX 所以推测总人口常常接触动物的人中有大于30%的人感染XX 问加强?

22. GWD26-Q22

People who have spent a lot of time in contact with animals often develop animal-induced allergies, some of them quite serious. In a survey of current employees in major zoos, about 30 percent had animal-induced allergies. Based on this sample, experts conclude that among members of the general population who have spent a similarly large amount of time in close contact with animals, the percentage with animal-induced allergies is not 30 percent but substantially more.

Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest grounds for the experts’ conclusion?支持

A.    A zoo employee who develops a serious animal-induced allergy is very likely to switch to some other occupation.  T

B.    A zoo employee is more likely than a person in the general population to keep one or more animal pets

C.    The percentage of the general population whose level of exposure to animals matches that of a zoo employee is quite small.

D.    Exposure to domestic pets is, on the whole, less likely to cause animal-induced allergy than exposure to many of the animals kept in zoos.   

E.     Zoo employees seldom wear protective gear when they handle animals in their care.



12, People who have spent a lot of time in contact with animals often develop animal-induced allergies, a significant percentage of which are quite serious.  In a survey of current employees in major zoos, about 30 percent had animal-induced allergies.  However, a zoo employee who develops a serious animal-induced allergy is very likely to switch to some other occupation.

People who have spent a lot of time in contact with animals often develop animal-induced allergies, a significant percentage of which are quite serious.  In a survey of current employees in major zoos, about 30 percent had animal-induced allergies.  However, a zoo employee who develops a serious animal-induced allergy is very likely to switch to some other occupation.

Which of the following hypotheses receives the strongest support from the information given?

A.      The incidence of serious animal-induced allergies among current zoo employees is lower than that among the general population.

B.      Zoo employees tend to develop animal-induced allergies that are more serious than those of other people who spend equally large amounts of time with animals.

C.      Exposure to domestic pets is, on the whole, less likely to cause animal-induced allergy than is exposure to the kinds of animals that are kept in zoos.

D.     There is no occupation for which the risk of developing an animal-induced allergy is higher than 30 percent.

E.    Among members of the general population who have spent as much time with animals as zoo employees typically have, the percentage with animal-induced allergies is significantly more than 30 percent.

13,.有个水库, 水老是蒸发,浪费(Racheloving)





14,某地一个池塘里的鱼儿,被发现含有很高成分的某种物质M, 但附近没有M的源头,也没有工厂排放这些东西。专家说M会蒸发,飘到空气中飘过来,


15, 要降低短期成本,降低员工的工资比开除他们来的好,


16, 有个水库, 水老是蒸发,浪费




17,某地一个池塘里的鱼儿,被发现含有很高成分的某种物质M, 但附近没有M的源头,也没有工厂排放这些东西。专家说M会蒸发,飘到空气中飘过来,

18, 要降低短期成本,降低员工的工资比开除他们来的好,


19,有一个国家收税用来改善路况,十年之后呢,路上的每辆车都比以前跑mile double了,税率没变,但是为什么用在修理路上的税没double呢?问加强

我好像选收入没double,但是我的verbal 超烂,大家参考吧


21,倒数第二道逻辑卡了我一会,因为一开始没看懂它在说什么。其实好像是GWD里的一道题,但是wording换了有点拗口。讲的是一种除杂草的药,如果把它 喷在农田里,它能在农田里保留45天,但是因为大部分农作物都需要超过45天才能成熟,所以这种除草药不适合拿来喷洒(因为45天一过,药效没了,可是那 时候农作物还在长,没成熟呢)。但是其实这种药还是可以用来喷在玉米田的。问你为什么。我选的答案是,因为玉米在生长初期就能长出大大的叶子把下面的土地 都遮住了,而阳光是这种除草药所对付的杂草生长必须的(这条好像是B)。






23, GWD-24-14

In 1983 Argonia’s currency, the argon, underwent a reduction in value relative to the world’s strongest currencies. This reduction resulted in a significant increase in Argonia’s exports over 1982 levels. In 1987 a similar reduction in the value of the argon led to another increase in Argonia’s exports. Faced with the need to increase exports yet again, Argonia’s finance minister has proposed another reduction in the value of the argon.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the prediction that the finance minister’s plan will not result in a significant increase in Argonia’s exports next year?削弱


A.    The value of the argon rose sharply last year against the world’s strongest currencies.

B.    In 1988 the argon lost a small amount of its value, and Aronian exports rose slightly in 1989.

C.    The value of Argonia’s exports was lower last year than it was the year before.

D.    All of Argonia’s export products are made by factories that were operating at full capacity last year, and new factories would take years to build.生产能力到了极限,无法出口

E.     Reductions in the value of the argon have almost always led to significant reductions in the amount of goods and services that Argonians purchase from abroad.

24, Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium transmitted to humans by deer ticks. Generally deer ticks pick up the bacterium while in the larval stage from feeding on infected white footed mice. However, certain other species on which the larvae feed do not harbor the bacterium. Therefore,  if the population of these other species were increased, the number of ticks acquiring the bacterium? and hence the number of people contracting Lyme disease—would likely decline.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
A. Ticks do not suffer any adverse consequences from carrying the bacterium that causes Lyme disease in humans.
B. There are no known cases of a human’s contracting Lyme disease through contact with white-footed mice.
C. A deer tick feeds only once while in the larval stage.
D. A single host animal can be the source of bacteria for many tick larvae.
E. None of the other species on which deer tick larvae feed harbor other bacteria that ticks transmit to humans. 

25,说有个公司搞informal的导师(mentor)制活动,根据员工的个性来配对导师,公司老总觉得这样搞下去不行,会减少参与这个活动的人。问加强老总观点的?(by ytu814)






30, 一道CR题,貌似GWD, 希望有人能够论证:

人们对电视机的价格比较敏感, 如果价格稍微增加或减少, 那么对电视机厂商的收入就有很大的影响. 然后, 对于一个社会项目来说,  politician决定增加一点投入或减少一点投入, 老百姓好像并不是太在意. 题目问什么我忘了

31,一种鸟, 老妈也是把崽下到别人的窝里. 然后说,这种鸟到求爱的时候都会唱一种歌, 然后说他妈也没教它, 结论就是唱这种歌的本领是天生的(innate). 问weaken还是evaluate我忘了.  我选的是, 它在成人前是不是跟其它同类混过.


33,补充一道:說日用品在定價的時候要非常小心,因為定價稍高或稍低都可能帶來巨大的利潤損失,但数据顯示,公众对于政府公益項目的支持率,不會隨這個項目花費 的微小變動而劇烈變化,問最好的說明(conclusion)了以下哪個,我選的是任何想要反對公益項目的人不應該把重點放在這個項目的花費上,不是很確 定這個答案,其他的選項還有什么公眾重視日用品重于公益項目等

34,是講 sentinel,說鳥類中這樣的哨兵,人們以前認為他們擔風險,因此這些哨兵都是無私的,而且可能有kinship 但是研究指出,這些哨兵其實是受益的,因為他們最先發現敵人,并可以及時逃跑,所以他們其實是自私的,并且不一定有kinship。問加強,我高度感覺是 GWD里的,但我做GWD不扎實啊,這道題猶豫了好久,隨便選了一個,選項好像有說即使在沒有kinship的關系下,也是鳥的營養富足程度決定誰去當哨 兵,還有什么哨兵一般和許多鳥都有kinship,還有什么哨兵一般都是(不是)最aggressive(我好像選了這個。。。,很不靠譜)

35, 考了一道看电视时间长选举的那个。还有抽烟的法令好不好,哪个是支持的,应该是自从抽烟法令有了收入提高?忘了~~~还有一个过敏的人变多了是为什么,文中说因为人们在户外的时间长了,反对,应该是屋顶有种过敏原~貌似是GWD的~不记得了






40, 有遇到一道原题,是说一个城市的市民不爱看长时间的电视节目,但是有个哥们竞选的节目用了半小时,但是大家还是看了,然后由此说大家还是喜欢看长时间节目的


Because it was long thought that few people would watch lengthy televised political messages, most
televised political advertisements, like commercial advertisements, took the form of short messages.
Last year, however, one candidate produced a half-hour-long advertisement. During the half hour the
advertisement was aired, a substantial portion of the viewing public tuned into the advertisement.
Clearly, then, many more people are interested in watching lengthy televised political messages than
was previously thought.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. The candidate’s ratings improved significantly as a result of the half-hour-long political
B. Political advertisements have become increasingly influential in determining voters’ decisions
at the polls.
C. Many people would appreciate the opportunity to become better acquainted with political
candidates’ views on current political issues.
D. Most people who are interested in political issues watch television regularly.
E. Most of the viewers who tuned in to the candidate’s half-hour-long advertisement last year did
not change channels after the first few minutes.

41,博物馆不应该取消掉一些备受争议的作品,如果说cancel的话会导致博物馆以后很难再摆放那些ARTIST的作品。大概是这样。问可以得出什么: ARTIST不愿意将自己的作品摆放在没有足够free的博物馆。。





44,有马可波罗那个题,我选的是A,为什么有版本说他去过长城,但是实际上记录上没有说过有关去长城的情况,所以实际上他没去过中国长城,问加强的。有人选的 是他去过死海老家什么,我觉得无关,我选的是the original record of his travel is not in exist.( 不存在了)。不知道对不对。


        2.  on-line shopping商品多樣化且選擇多
   但是 convenience goods (題目有舉例是哪些商品就是一些日常用品)消費者不會有品牌傾向因為這些商品是基本需求
   所以on-line shopping won’t make a profit on convenience goods  問weaken?    我選有很多convenience goods很難在一般商店買到   

,        3.有遇到一道原题,是说一个城市的市民不爱看长时间的电视节目,但是有个哥们竞选的节目用了半小时,但是大家还是看了,然后由此说大家还是喜欢看长时间节目的



问削弱, 我选的 E 大概意思是不是选项 提高燃油效率不仅涉及到是车的,仅供参考











两个选项:1、农民不能根据气味辨别这个农药。   2、这个蓝色色素不会对药效产生影响。


52, GWD28-Q19:
Plankton generally thrive in areas of the ocean with sufficient concentrations of certain nitrogen compounds near the surface, where plankton live.  Nevertheless, some areas, though rich in these nitrogen compounds, have few plankton.  These areas have particularly low concentrations of iron, and oceanographers hypothesize that this shortage of iron prevents plankton from thriving.  However, an experimental release of iron compounds into one such area failed to produce a thriving plankton population, even though local iron concentrations increased immediately.

Which of the following, if true, argues most strongly against concluding, on the basis of the information above, that the oceanographers’ hypothesis is false?
   Answer: D




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