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Job-accepting graduates who received a signing bonus:
55  %

Base salary, signing bonuses and other compensation for most recent employed graduates:

Mean base salary: $  87,940
Median base salary: $  87,750
Mean signing bonus: $  13,548
Median signing bonus: $  10,625
Mean other guaranteed compensation: $  7,980
Median other guaranteed compensation: $  6,130

Graduating students who accepted jobs in the following functional areas:

Consulting: 8  %
Finance/Accounting: 21  %
General Management: 6  %
Human Resources: 0  %
Marketing/Sales: 15  %
Management Information Systems (MIS): 2  %
Operations/Logistics: 48  %
Other: 0  %


Graduating students who accepted jobs in the following industries:

Government: 2  %
Consulting: 10  %
Consumer Products: 6  %
Financial Services: 10  %
Manufacturing: 8  %
Media/Entertainment: 4  %
Non-Profit: 2  %
Petroleum/Energy: 2  %
Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology/Health Care: 15  %
Real Estate: 0  %
Technology: 23  %
Other: 17  %

Graduates who accepted full-time jobs in the following regions:

Africa: 0  %
Asia: 2  %
Eastern and Central Europe and Central Asia: 0  %
Latin America and the Caribbean: 0  %
Middle East: 0  %
North America: 98  %
Oceana: 0  %
Western Europe: 0  %


Within North America, graduates who accepted full-time jobs in the following regions:

Northeast: 31  %
Mid-Atlantic: 33  %
South: 4  %
Southwest: 19  %
Midwest: 6  %
West: 4  %
Possessions and territories: 0  %
Canada: 2  %

Top recruiting organizations for internships, most recent academic year:

Sears Holdings Corporation   5
Dell   3
Pfizer Inc.   3
Polartec   3
Bayer   2
JPMorgan Chase   2
DuPont   2
IBM   2
Johnson & Johnson   2
Mars   2
Motorola   2
Target   2
The Hershey Company   2
Westinghouse Electric Company   2
Black and Decker Corporation   1

Internships awarded that are paid:
87  %

Weekly internship compensation:

        Mean: $ 1,148
        Median: $ 1,300

Average internship length in weeks:


School Comments:


Smeal has an outstanding sense of community. I knew every one of my classmates by name and had interactions with each of them by the end of our first semester. Challenging classes, worked as teammates and were not cut-throat. New business building is a world-class, cutting edge facility that fosters knowledge and community. -- Finance

My program is an exceptional value. It is a top operations school that provides a number of graduate assistantships which allows students to waive tuition and also receive a cash stipend. -- Operations

I would most likely encourage my friends to attend the Smeal College of Business. Due to the size of the class, Finance majors had to do a lot of networking/traveling on their own to secure employment. But school's alumni were so helpful. -- Investment Banking


Penn State offers the best communications program, as well as the only private-investor student run mutual fund in the country. --Finance

There is a bit of concern for people who are used to having more socially rewarding activities as a part of school. -- Marketing

I didn't see as many technology classes as I expected. A very few professors and their classes didn't provide values. The curriculum is a bit old-fashioned without integration of different disciplines which are cross-applied in the real business world. A few U.S. classmates created unnecessary tensions and made my MBA studying experience not very happy. -- Consulting


The best thing about Smeal is the overall experience and not just the education, which by itself is a great value for the money spent. Oppportunities abound outside the classroom to learn as much as an individual desires. The support that the students receive from the professors and career services is ample because of the small class size. The only disadvantage is the remote location. In spite of that, it is easily the best school if you want to major in Supply Chain Management. -- Operations

The Smeal MBA program provides an extensive well-rounded education. Ivy League quality at State Tuition! -- Entrepreneurship


The value for money at the program is outstanding and barely comparable to offerings of schools with the same or similar rankings. Some of the professors are really outstanding, the staff is friendly and overall my colleagues were very down-to-earth and friendly and even though I was a foreigner ... I never felt lonely or abandoned and I realised my academic and personal goals. Paying for expensive school was an unconceivable option for me and I am glad and grateful that the school was willing to accept me and work with me for my success. It has none of the shine, glitter or "smoothness" of operation/service of the Ivy Leagues but the study is rigorous and the atmosphere is friendly and supportive.-- Finance



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