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Graduates who accepted full-time jobs in the following regions:

Asia: 20  %
Latin America and the Caribbean: 2  %
Middle East: 3  %
North America: 75  %

Within North America, graduates who accepted full-time jobs in the following regions:

Northeast: 7  %
Mid-Atlantic: 5  %
South: 7  %
Southwest: 5  %
Midwest: 66  %
West: 11  %

Companies that recruited MBAs for internships on campus in 2008-09:

Companies that posted internships for MBAs on school job boards in 2008-09:

Top recruiting organizations for internships, most recent academic year:

Sears Holdings Corp.   6
Office of Technology Management, University of Illinois   4   004 Beratungs   4
Proctor & Gamble   4
Business Industry Services   4
Allstate   2
College of ACES, University of Illinois   2
AT&T   1
Cisco Systems   1
Ernst & Young   1
The Boeing Co.   1
McDonalds Corp.   1
Nestle Purina Company   1
SAP America   1
Starcom   1


Internships awarded that are paid:
83  %

Weekly internship compensation:

        Mean: $ 967
        Median: $ 955

Average internship length in weeks:


School Comments:
From consulting to investment firms to consumer products, our graduates join the most recognized companies around the world: AT&T, IBM, Proctor & Gamble, and Samsung to name a few. At the ILLINOIS MBA, we pride ourselves on exploiting your best assets and developing in you the right combination of resources to succeed in your professional ambitions. We do this by offering an integrated curriculum, Illinois Business Consulting experience, access to world-class faculty and technology, career services partnerships, and many other benefits associated with our internationally renowned university


I made an amazing intellectual, professional and matural transformation due to the University of Illinois MBA program. While every program has its shortcomings, the positives far outwayed the negatives. -- Marketing

Dean of MBA program lacks vision, Career Service not experienced, Too hard for an international student to find job. -- Finance

The MBA program itself is struggling. It lacks adequate leadership from both the Dean of the MBA program and the Dean of the College of Business. The Dean of the College of Business has made it clear that the MBA program was not a priority for him. As such, the program has suffered due to a large number of deficiencies. -- Consulting


The IMBA does not have a well-rounded curriculum - there are only a few classes offered per concentration per semester. Moreover, there are strict guidelines placed on concentrations and classes one must take. -- Marketing

I really enjoyed my program and would highly recommend it to not just my friends but to anyone who is interested. -- Marketing

My MBA experience at Illinois MBA was a rewarding one. I grew so much both professionally and personally. I learnt from my classmates as much as I did from my professors. -- Consulting


I had a great experience at the Illinois MBA. I have gotten great exposure to different cultures and how business is conducted internationally throught the intrpersonal experineces with my classmates. -- Finance

Program is very bad. Very unorganized. Poor quality of classmates. -- Finance

The career services at the school are not great. All of us had to use all the extra career fairs in order to get more interviews. I am sure they are working in improving this area, but it may take too long unless a drastic change happens. -- Operations

Career services is much inexperencied, the buiding is too old not providing the appropriate infrastructure (new building will only be done by the end of 2008), and city is monotonous. On top of that, knowledge sharing among students is almost inexistent and some courses have different (and poor) professors assigned every single year. -- Information Technology


If cost is an issue, I would certainly say that University of Illinoin-Urbana Chamapign MBA program was by the least expensive in terms of tuition and living expenses than my other friends in other MBA programs. Also, I beleive I received more than my monies worth in terms of value of education. -- Information Technology

The combination of education, practical application of learning via consulting opportunities, and leadership opportunities in a supportive, family-like atmosphere was worth every penny and minute of time. -- Consulting


I really enjoyed the Illinois MBA Experience. I feel confident and prepared to enter my job and make a difference. -- Operations

The MBA Finance concentration gave me thorough knowledge of the finance industry form scratch in just two years. This was possible through excellent faculty, classmates, seminars and competitions. -- Entrepreneurship

UIUC has a nice campus and living expense is low. The peopel here are nice and kind. It is a secure place to live and study. -- Finance



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