非常非常重要!我就见到旁边一个哥们拿了复印件去被拒了。。虽然不知什么原因,但是这个还是要慎重。如果学校寄给你的就是复印件,要么跟学校联系换原件,要么想好怎么跟VO解释(我的那张上面就是写着COPY,不过VO根本没看= =|||) 虽然要准备那么多东西,但是除了要上交的收据、表格和护照,其他东西VO会看的很少。根据我自己的经验,通常就是看录取通知书和财力证明而已,只有当你面谈进入了白热化(= =)的时候,才需要更多的材料以支持自己的论点。总之,整理好材料是没有坏处的啦,但也没有必要面面俱到,比如什么父母去K歌的照片都带着应该是大可不必了。。
以下是我的checklist,基本上是拷贝了Zhang同学的= =大家可以看看。。(啊哈哈)
Checklist of Documents Enclosed
F-1 Visa Applicant:
Mother: Father:
Part I: Required Document: 1) DS forms : DS156(including Photo), DS157, DS158 2)  assport 3) Receipt of visa application fee 4) Receipt of SEVIS fee 5) I-20 form from Fordham University
Part II: My Personal Document: VOLUMN 1 ? Fordham University 1) Admission letter from Fordham 2) Information about this Program and courses ? Offer letters from Other Universities which admit me VOLUMN 2 ? Current University— CUPL 1) Certificate of studentship 2) Undergraduate Certificate 3) Certificate of Ranking 4) Undergraduate transcript of CUPL (English and Chinese) 5) Certificate for CET4, CET6 & scholarships ? Official TOEFL Score Report ? Current Resume ? Study Plan
Part III: Family Document 1) Certificates of Deposit 2) Deposit Receipts (original) 3) Certificates of father’s employment and income 4) Certificates of mother’s employment and income 5) Business cards of my parents 6) Certificate of house properties 7) Certificates for registered residence (family) 8) My identity card and certificate for registered residence 9)  hotocopies of parents’ identity cards 10) Family photos