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107. Because of the recent transformation of the market, Quore, Inc., must increase the next two years, or it will certainly go bankrupt. In fact, however, Quore’s production structure is such that if a 10 percent productivity increase is possible, then a 20 percent increase is attainable.



If the statements above are true, which one of the following must on the basis of them also be true?



A.       It is only Quore’s production structure that makes it possible for Quore to survive the transformation of the market.

B.        Quore will not go bankrupt if it achieves a productivity increase of 20 percent over the next two years.

C.        If the market had not been transformed, Quore would have required no productivity increase in order to avoid bankruptcy.

D.       Because of the transformation of the market, Quore will achieve a productivity increase of 10 percent over the next two years.

E.        If a 20 percent productivity increase is unattainable for Quore, then it must go bankrupt.


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“题干中漏了一个条件:., must increase 10% in the next two years, or it will certainly go bankrupt.
因为20%达不到的话,必然没有达到10%,所以go bankrupt.”



thanks  , I got  it !!



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