申请MBA,toefl 作文比Gmat 作文更重要?
楼主Gmat 作文分太低,只有3,于是乎 发邮件给学校 问低AWA 对申请是否有影响,学校的答复如下:
Boston College
There is no minimum score required on the AWA, and we would suggest that for international students, the TOEFL is considered more significant than the AWA score.
University at Buffalo - SUNY
I think that your TOEFL score will be important in the admission decision in light of the AWA score. Given your very good score on the main GMAT sections a good TOEFL could offset the low AWA
于是乎,LZ单纯而天真的认为:toefl 作文比 GMat 作文重要。
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