16. It is characteristic of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, as of virtually every great American museum the taste of local collectors has played at least as large a part in the formation of their collections as has the judgments of the art historian. (A) of virtually every great American museum, the taste of local collectors has played at least as large a part in the formation of their collections as has (B) of virtual1y every great American museum, that the taste of local collectors has played at 1east as large a part in the formation of their collections as has (C) it is of virtual1y every great American museum,that the taste of local collectors has played least as large a part in the formation of its collections as have (D) it is of virtual1y every great American museum,that the taste of local collectors have played at least as large a part in the formation of its collections as have (E) it is of vlrtual1y every great American museum,the taste of local collectors has played at least as large a part in the formation of its collections as has