先说下感受吧,考前一直神经紧张,觉都睡不好,还闹肚子。当时实在不想去考了,可最终还是硬着头皮去了,想想至少可以捧回点JJ来吧。考的真的很郁闷,VERBAL完全没有发挥的机会,都没来得及,充分体会到大NN们曾经说过的 考前看大量阅读有多重要了。当时那个叫悔啊,前面不小心慢下来了,越在乎是不是做对了就越是慢;然后后面PACE就始终找不回来了,后面拼命赶,题目都没来得及看懂就瞎选,心里明白这次肯定是水掉了,郁闷啊…又得花父母的血汗钱了 想说的是,同志们的作文摸版一定要背熟,我作文最后一天准备的,没背到滚瓜烂熟,结果进去一紧张都忘掉了,而且不会盲打的话时间就来不及。不过上海场的机器不是17寸液晶的,是15寸,眼睛还是比较容易接受。 说说JJ吧 AWA都是以前碰到过的, AA是那道城的另一边有3家BUSINESSES两年前业绩不错,所以应该在I 区也投资A B C三家BUSINESSES,并且要实施一个SPECIAL PROGRAM 在其中任意两家消费的在第三家可以获得优惠……具体记不大清楚了,除了来不及以外,攻击点还是满多的;AI 是专家们制定的环保的什么标准一直在变,所以企业需要作出相应的改变… 数学做的比较快,很多JJ 题,但是有两道居然棱是没读懂,把最郁闷的那道拿出来吧,因为只有这个记忆比较清晰了,实在对不住大家 There is a rectangular block, its surface area 是多少? (1)each of two faces of the block has the area of 12 square inches and perimetre of 14 inches. (2)one of its edge is 10 inches 还有一道似乎是Prep中看到过的 借钱N分n期还。每个月M=N*0.005*1.0005^n/(1-1.0005^n),问M>500? (1) N=10000 (2)n=48 还有那道1个蓝盘子5个白盘子围成一个圈,里面放不同点心,蓝色里面只能放p和r点心的不同排列方式有几种 RC有JJ 树年轮的那道,女性地位的那道(SERVICE INDUSTRY 的那个,但是感觉跟JJ说的有些出入)黑人地位的那个(文化自主性确实考到了) 上手第一篇是JJ中没有的,讲专家说美国GDP上升很快,尤其是1997年,因此得出结论说美国经济在1997年是很理想的; 然后作者开始反驳:一屏不到,题目也比较简单,就是这片: 以下引用8楼MM的辛苦成果,非常感谢! 27. GDP 1977 and journalists errors (5Q’s) E、GDP增长 Citing the fact that the real gross domestic product (GDP) per capita was higher in 1997 than ever before, some Line journalists have argued that the United (5) States economy performed ideally in 1997. However, the real GDP is almost always higher than ever before; it falls only during recessions. One point these journalists overlooked is that in (10) 1997, as in the twenty-four years imme- diately preceding it, the real GDP per capita grew nearly one-half percent a year more slowly than it had on aver- age between 1873 and 1973. Were the (15) 1997 economy as robust as claimed, the growth rate of real GDP per capita in 1997 would have surpassed the average growth rate of real GDP per capita between 1873 and 1973 because (20) over fifty percent of the population worked for wages in 1997 whereas only forty percent worked for wages between 1873 and 1973. If the growth rate of labor productivity (output per (25) hour of goods and services) in 1997 had equaled its average growth rate between 1873 and 1973 of more than two percent, then, given the proportion- ately larger workforce that existed in (30) 1997, real GDP per capita in 1997 would have been higher than it actually was, since output is a major factor in GDP. However, because labor productivity grew by only one percent in 1997, real (35) GDP per capita grew more slowly in 1997 than it had on average between 1873 and 1973. 我似乎考到了35,37还有两个其他题目,都不难的,放心吧 Q35: The passage is primarily concerned with A. comparing various measures used to assess the performance of the United States economy in 1997 B. providing evidence that the performance of the United States economy in 1997 was similar to its performance between 1873 and 1973 C. evaluating an argument concerning the performance of the United States economy in1997 D. examining the consequences of a popular misconception about the performance of the United States economy in 1997 E. supporting an assertion made by journalists about the performance of the United States economy in 1997 Answer: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q36: According to the passage, which of the following is true of the average rate at which real GDP per capita grew in the twenty-four years immediately before 1997? A. It was less than it had been between 1873 and 1973 because only forty percent of the population worked for wages between 1873 and 1973. B. It was less than it had been between 1873 and 1973 because labor productivity grew less between 1973 and 1997 than it had between 1873 and 1973. C. It was less than it had been between 1873 and 1973 as a result of an increase in the percentage of the population earning wages during these years. D. It was less than the average rate at which real GDP per capita grew between 1873 and 1973. E. It was less than the rate at which real GDP per capita grew in 1997. Answer: D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q37: It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is the reason that the author faults the journalists referred to in line 4? A. They believe that the real GDP per capita in 1997 was higher than the real GDP per capita had ever been before. B. They argue that the rate at which real GDP per capita grew in 1997 was faster than the average rate at which it had grown between 1873 and 1973. C. They overestimate the effect of labor productivity on the real GDP per capita in 1997. D. They overestimate the amount by which real GDP per capita in 1997 surpassed real GDP per capita in earlier years. E. They fail to consider the real GDP per capita in 1997 within an appropriate historical context. Answer: E 突然想起有个逻辑是 两种建筑材料的木头,一种浸过某种液体可防白蚁,另一种^^^JJ上面的好像,又得劳烦大家自己去找了; SC都考到JJ, 又很多菜名的那个; 总之都不是很难,切记最后两天要回顾一下所有JJ,对于提高速度相当有用!
发现8。1场的大家都考的很不错,我是最水的一个了,哎…痛苦… 由于水平实在有限,就只能提醒下其他的方面了,希望能对大家有所帮助这样就不用象我这么紧张了,大家要考的话一定要早点去啊 因为越早位置越好,到最后就只能坐到靠门的位置了,出出进进容易受干扰;每次休息都要举手,老师带出来再带进去,休息时不能说话,喝水要到考场门外;整个考试过程中锁柜子的钥匙和护照是要始终带在身边的。然后每次进出那个考试的门都要收集一下食指的指纹;其它没什么了,老师还是很好的,笔啊纸啊什么的都不用担心,耳塞也很好用,塞上就只能听到自己的心跳了;考试位置做的也比较舒服,总之这些大家都不用太担心了,好好复习VERBAL才是王道,数学有好多JJ,而且不难,做的应该会比平时都快,放心吧,数学不是太需要复习的,基本上再怎样也都会有50的,我有几道就是瞎选的…数学最后几天看下JJ就行, 大家加油吧,我是水掉了,但是看到你们都能高分把它干掉我心理也会很痛快;加油加油加油! |