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Q22 to Q25:

      Many managers are influenced by

       dangerous myths about pay that lead

       to counterproductive decisions about

Line       how their companies compensate

  (5)      employees.  One such myth is that

labor rates, the rate per hour paid to

workers, are identical with labor costs,

the money spent on labor in relation to

the productivity of the labor force.

(10)      This myth leads to the assumption that

a company can simply lower its labor

costs by cutting wages.  But labor

costs and labor rates are not in fact

the same:  one company could pay

(15)      its workers considerably more than

another and yet have lower labor

costs if that company’s productivity

were higher due to the talent of its

workforce, the efficiency of its work

(20)      processes, or other factors.  The

       confusion of costs with rates per-

       sists partly because labor rates are

a convenient target for managers who

want to make an impact on their com-

(25)      pany’s budgets.  Because labor rates

are highly visible, managers can easily

compare their company’s rates with

those of competitors.  Furthermore,

labor rates often appear to be a

(30)      company’s most malleable financial

variable:  cutting wages appears an

easier way to control costs than such

       options as reconfiguring work pro-

cesses or altering product design.

(35)          The myth that labor rates and labor

costs are equivalent is supported by

business journalists, who frequently

confound the two.  For example, prom-

inent business journals often remark on

(40)     the “high” cost of German labor, citing

as evidence the average amount paid

to German workers.  The myth is also

perpetuated by the compensation-

consulting industry, which has its own

(45)      incentives to keep such myths alive.

First, although some of these con-

sulting firms have recently broadened

their practices beyond the area of

compensation, their mainstay con-

(50)      tinues to be advising companies on

changing their compensation prac-

tices.  Suggesting that a company’s

performance can be improved in

some other way than by altering its

(55)      pay system may be empirically cor-

rect but contrary to the consultants’

interests.  Furthermore, changes

to the compensation system may

appear to be simpler to implement

(60)      than changes to other aspects of an

organization, so managers are more

likely to find such advice from con-

sultants palatable.  Finally, to the

extant that changes in compensation

(65)      create new problems, the consultants

will continue to have work solving the

problems that result from their advice.


The author of the passage suggests which of the following about the advice that the consulting firms discussed in the passage customarily give to companies attempting to control costs?


It often fails to bring about the intended changes in companies’ compensation systems.
It has highly influenced views that predominate in prominent business journals.
It tends to result in decreased labor rates but increased labor costs.
It leads to changes in companies’ compensation practices that are less visible than changes to work processes would be.
It might be different if the consulting firms were less narrowly specialized.

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"Suggesting that a company's performance can be improved in some other way than by altering its pay system may be empirically correct but contrary to the consultants' interests."
這句話說的是 Consulting Company 建議更改 Pay System 以外的東西
(也就是指 Compensation System) 依據經驗來講是正確的,
但是這違背了他們的 interest.

"Finally, to the extant that changes in compensation create new problems, the consultants will continue to have work solving the problems that result from their advice."
這句話說的是說 Compensation System 的改變帶來了新的問題,對他們來說也就是為他們持續的帶來了新的工作。
如果顧問公司有把 compensation system 改好,就會違背了他們的利益
所以通常 compensation system 不會被改好

我表哥就是在 AC 工作的


同意!!作者說公司或經理找顧問公司來解決問題,但最後一段結論卻說這些顧問公司通常會搞出在compensation system另外的問題(我的理解是他們並沒有處理好)所以還要去解決那些改變之後又所產生的問題。所以並沒有達到目的,所以是A



選E的人理由無非是 定位 L46-52

但這段意思是說,無論你是哪一種諮詢公司,不管你是大公司或小公司( 經營範圍)你都要建議公司調整 compensation  practices, 無分大小! 結果不變!



答案A 可以定位L52-67 有三理由支持
經驗上來說, 使用其他方法來改善和調整公司薪資系統兩者比較起來,前者是比較正確的!但前者跟諮詢公司利益衝突...


就建議他調整成哪一種;也可能本來不想要調整,諮詢公司建議他調整 言而總之, 建議公司做他不想要做的事

答案A 說 諮詢公司的建議往往沒辦法達到公司想要調整的薪資系統

L57- 63 理由同上,諮詢公司覺得哪一種調整比較有利基就建議他調整成哪一種

L63-67 建議會產生問題,產生惡性循環,諮詢公司繼續賺黑心錢


Finally, to the extent that changes in compensation create new problems, the consultants wil ...
anenxi 发表于 2011-12-17 06:49

就是因为上次的consulting没成功,所以这些consulting company就不断地creat-solve-creat-solve,就像windows一样。



这道题应该选E吧,从这句话定位:First, although some of these consulting firms have recently broadened their practices beyond the area of compensation, their mainstay continues to be advising companies on changing their compensation prac-tices.最后一句话虽然说这种变化可能会带来新的问题,但是并没有其often fails的暗示,还请各位NN发表高见


Finally, to the extent that changes in compensation create new problems, the consultants will continue to have work solving the problems that result from their advice.



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