1st: 爱尔兰爱尔兰女性在社会活动中地位
就说以前的研究方法和结果(好像是).(Historians trying to establish the importance of women in old times studied some woman's suffrage n. 投票,选举权,参政权movement in relation to a particular revolution in Ireland (i don remember exactly..) 研究爱尔兰女性历史的学者也曾参考英国的研究的学者,研究妇女选举权等等,其实这些研究方法有问题。因为别的国家这种运动都好像很活跃什么的,
最后一段否定下这个人,说这个人可能exaggerate妇女的活跃程度。其实,只有一小部分妇女精英才参加了那些国家级别的政治运动。.. 不具代表性。but this gave a distorted view because they dunno how many women actually participated and stuff like that).应该把women's rights和abolition还有国家独立等政治事件分开来研究,
第一段,传统的历史学家更注重对妇女的主权运动的研究,但是在Ireland,妇女的主权运动与国家的独立、还有XX是同时发生的 第二段,focus在爱尔兰的妇女主权运动上,会夸大exaggerate 妇女的XX地位(有题,过于focus在主权运动,会导致什么?我选:对爱尔兰妇女的XX研究有distortion 段尾说由于现有的对爱尔兰妇女主权运动的account并不是很全,所以不容易得到XX的结论。是爱尔兰的妇女运动问题,主要是否认现在很普遍的一种看法即爱尔兰的妇女运动取得了很大的成就。 然后说误区在于专家们被爱尔兰的独立运动误导了, 实际上参加独立运动的只是少部分妇女精英, 大部分妇女仍然没有解放。
最后一段: 作者认为I国妇女争取投票权的作用被低估了。因为一些应该归因于妇女投票权才获得的利益被认为是国家争取独立的结果。
Historians trying to establish the importance of women in old times studied some woman's suffrage movement in relation to a particular revolution in Ireland (i don remember exactly..).. but this gave a distorted view because they dunno how many women actually participated and stuff like that.
1. primary purpose of the passage point out a shortcoming in historical research approach
2. 过于focus在主权运动,会导致什么?我选:对爱尔兰妇女的XX研究有distortion
3. 对于旧的观点(就是他们没有不能代表妇女的解放),怎样削弱呢?在一个争取投票权的组织中的历史文献中发现,里面记载了,这些运动的主体大量是广大的妇女劳动人民(对应原文讲是只有一小部分精英层的妇女)。
P1:环境保护学家建议引进大型动物,因为会对生态ECO SYSTEM有好处,用来改善生态环境,维持生态平衡。(由于某些原因在美洲的一些大型动物灭绝了,但是其它地方还有,就想引进他们改善恶化的生态系统)
P2: 举例非洲,说非洲的生态比较完善,因为物种之间达到了一种平衡。引进的好处(主要是举目前生态环境的现况,比如small 动物多什么的,引进了就会减低他们,切大象推倒一些树木对一些小动物居住有益,可以控制一些树木的疯长。)还说有一题引入大型动物的好处,原来的jj说可能选和植物有关,是对的,对应原文说过度放牧,所以大型动物引过来,可以吃点草食动物(和之前说控制树木疯长意思有出入,注意原文),选这个。C
最后还说了还有经济上的好处,而且COST不高,只需要让那些大型动物在保护区内闲逛,就可以吸引很多观光客。具体很多动物的例子(elephant lion )有 一道考题问下面什么动物的引进会带来经济 benefits (而不是生态benefits)我用了5分钟也没找到这个经济benefits。大家看到经济的要注意了。也可能不在这一段。
P4:有人要反对了。说引进大型生物带来的问题。可能没有环境保护学家想的那么乐观。1、(说以前的大型动物和现在的不像,现在的不能在这住。支持者就说根据DNA检验,可以啊(有结构题,问DNA出现的作用——就是证明它们可以在这生活;(用途是说明引入大型动物是可行的,因为DNA检测说明什么各个洲的动物都差不多,所以不存在不同地方的动物有差异,造成引进可能失败的说法是不对的。)2、Many have expressed concern about the fact that North America’s ecosystems are not the same today as they were 13,000 years ago and that reintroduced animals might therefore be unable to survive in them. Whereas habitats are and will continue to be dynamic on a timescale of thousands of years, very few plants or small mammals went extinct during the late Pleistocene. The major missing component of North American ecosystems today compared with the Pleistocene is the megafauna, which we can infer are critical cogs in the wheels.
1. 第一段 起到什么作用,我选了那个答案:专家提出proposal和给出背景知识
2. 专家最可能在proposal中plan 什么但跟文章最相关:1是提供大型动物居住地2是创造长期经济效益3是 fencing off 什么植物4 是做大型动物的DNA测试 5是plant什么什么,记不清了我选C,不肯定对,
3. 细节题:说北美缺少那个动物(M开头的一个词),最有可能引起的什么效果?我选的是:因为plant 过度生长之类的,因为可以从原文定位处找到明确的对应内容。没有选--生态不平衡。引起fragment ECOSYSTEM什么什么。
4. 主题题:Main idea of the passage,我选的是评估专家的一个proposal。
Although the cheetahs, lions and mammoths that once roamed North America are extinct, the same species or close relatives have survived elsewhere, and our discussions focused on introducing these substitutes to North American ecosystems. We believe that these efforts hold the potential to partially restore important ecological processes, such as predation and browsing吃草/放牧, to ecosystems where they have been absent for millennia. The substitutes would also bring economic and cultural benefits
P2: Where large predators and herbivores食草动物still remain, they play pivotal roles. In Alaska, sea otters maintain kelp海草 forest ecosystems by keeping herbivores that eat kelp, such as sea urchins海胆, in check(keep in check抑制, 约束),. In Africa, elephants are keystone players; as they move through an area, their knocking down trees and trampling踩踏create a habitat in which certain plants and animals can flourish. Lions and other predators control the populations of African herbivores, which in turn influence the distribution of plants and soil nutrients.
P3 Fourth, bringing megafauna巨型动物群back to America would also bring tourist and other dollars into nearby communities and enhance the public’s appreciation of the natural world. More than 1.5 million people visit San Diego’s Wild Animal Park every year to catch a glimpse of large mammals. Only a handful of U.S. national parks receive that many visitors. Last, the loss of some of the remaining species of megafauna in Africa and Asia within this century seems likely—Pleistocene【地质】更新世(的) rewilding could help reverse倒退 that.
P4 Rubenstein and colleagues go on to say, “Modern day proxies 代理species are wrong . . . different genetically from the species that occurred in North America during the Pleistocene.” True, but not that different. Available evidence indicates that the lions in Africa and Asia today are the same species, albeit除了 of smaller stature身材, as the lions that prowled 巡游North America 13 millennia ago. Recent studies of ancient DNA have elucidated阐明, 说明close relationships between extinct elephant and horse species and those alive today. Many have expressed concern about the fact that North America’s ecosystems are not the same today as they were 13,000 years ago and that reintroduced animals might therefore be unable to survive in them. Whereas habitats are and will continue to be dynamic on a timescale of thousands of years, very few plants or small mammals went extinct during the late Pleistocene. The major missing component of North American ecosystems today compared with the Pleistocene is the megafauna, which we can infer are critical cogs部件/部分 in the wheels. —C.J.D.
3rd: 拆除大坝对生态系统(ecological system)的影响
第一段讲的是 DAM建造了造成生态损害ECOLOGY impact,举了一些例子,比如什么上下游的水流不畅,生态气候的变化。然后说了拆除大坝后情况有所改观。危害主要有阻拦鱼类migration(有一道题问Dam会造成什么问题, , 造成 nonnative的鱼入侵等等。然后就后者展开描述:因为水坝把水拦起来了,水温会上升,含氧量也会变化,有些合适这种条件的非本地鱼喜欢这里的环境,威胁到本来就在这里生活的鱼类。如果把水坝拆了 (decommission the dam),,水温下降了,那些外来的鱼就会离开,保护本地的鱼类,
第二段=打头来个however,贸然拆除DAM也会有很多损害,主要是淤泥(sediment)可能会堵塞水道(choke the waterway),还有由于大坝上游积累的淤泥中有很多毒素,拆除大坝也会时这些毒素随淤泥流向下游,可能会杀死native fish吃的algae藻类. the engineer will use a pipe to suck the sediment behind the dam off the river,因为大霸拆了以后, 毒素流到下游不就毒死native fish了).所以很多工程师先用推土机和pipe运走淤泥再拆除水坝)
最后这个工程的结果还有待观察WAIT AND SEE(still have to be seen), 得观察native fish有没有受影响, 还有观察过度繁殖的crayfish小龙虾会不会影响native fish.
1. 问修建水坝会造成什么问题,我选:抱歉忘记了。但不能选:其中提到阻拦Nonnative的鱼migration,是干扰答案。也不能选青蛙的那个,
2. 一题问remove a dam usually会导致什么。可能会堵塞水道choke the waterway。关键在于usually吧。,原文中说道,removing dam often choke the waterway,所以是同义改写
3. 问第一段的作用,我的选项:提供了一些在文章debate中会出现的term, 其他选项:argue阻止鱼类migrate,提出一些通常的removing对生态的影响,比较优缺点
大致就是讲制造商有时候对于零售商的opportunism举动无可奈何。越来越多的生产商开始抱怨渠道促销(trade promotion)。制造商有时候为了扩大销售会做 discount promotion,但是零售商抱着机会主义的想法,但零售商往往利用两边信息不对称赚取利润(问了retailer可以实现通过信息不对称赚取利益的前提是什么?答案:consumer did not realized that retailer >>>>manufacture>>>>的那个选项。infer 消费者并不知道促销原来是由生产厂家发起的。),他们以折扣价进货按原价售卖,扩大利润。消费者虽然知道大致哪些产品在促销,但不是很清楚 具体的开始和结束日期。制造商扩大销售量的目的一直得不到实现,大为恼火。
部分生产商开始采取天天低价(everyday low price)的措施,既避免零售商中饱私囊,又避免顾客不知道。生产厂家希望,只要有一部分的消费者知道了促销已经开始并且愿意去searching for this discount ,就可以大致达到目的了。(有考题问当顾客了解制造商打的 广告之后他们probably会如何如何)(这里有个题,问举行这个活动是为了?选manufacturer为了让消费者知道有打折)。但至少有一家尿布(diaper) 生产商证明此法不妥,又转回了原来的促销方式。(为什么呢?答案是选有other brand competition的那个。)因为消费者还是很难抵御其它偶尔促销的产品的诱惑。长此以往以往好产品成了低价品,顾客也就失去兴趣。并且一旦有其它竞争产品某一其间暂时低价促销,产品就失去竞争力。(有题,问消费者会怎么?答案是即使有经常性的促销,消费者还是会被其它偶尔促销产品所吸引)。这样就让零售商的营销策略的效果 打了折扣。
还有些生产商转而自己做广告,告诉消费者什么时段有促销。从而扩大销售量,但又不太合适,成本太高,制造商很为难。(中间的内容记不太清了,好像是分析了inventory,比较零售商和制造商他们在不同商品有不同库存的情况下通常会怎么做,提及 inventory surplus。)
1. 但至少有一家尿布(diaper) 生产商又转回了原来的促销方式。是因为他知道consumers会怎样?选项中,我选:仍然会在超市中去比有折扣的其他产品
2. 其他厂商还会做什么样的举措,我选alerting people …意思是想法让顾客知道
3. 是有道infer 题(INFER 消费者的行为)但我没选JJ答案,我选:the consumers know the frequency of discount in a certain interval. 因为文中有这么一句话:Although the consumers only know approximate frequency of discount
我认为的干扰选项:消费者并不知道促销原来是由零售商而非生产厂家发起的 |