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狒狒逻辑 10 求人帮忙
10. In order topressure the government of Country S to become less repressive, somelegislators in Country R want to ban all exports from R to S. Companies in Rthat manufacture telecommunication equipment such as telephones and faxmachines have argued that exports of their products should be exempted from theban, on the ground that it is impossible for a country to remain repressivewhen telecommunication equipment is widely available to the population of thatcountry.
Which one of thefollowing is an assumption on which the argument given by the manufacturersdepends?
A. The government of S hasrecently increased the amount of telecommunication equipment it allows to beimported into the country.
B. The telecommunication equipmentthat would be imported into S if the exemption were to be granted would not beavailable solely to top development officials in S.
C. A majority of the members ofR’s legislature do not favor exempting telecommunication equipment from the banon exports to Country S.
D. Of all exports that could besent to Country S, telecommunication equipment would be the most effective inhelping citizens of S oppose that country’s repressive government.
E. Without pressure from CountryR, the government of S would be able to continue repressing |