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54.Most employees in the computer industry move from company to company, changing jobs several times in their careers. However, Summit Computers is known throughout the industry for retaining its employees. Summit credits its success in retaining employees to its informal, nonhierarchical work environment.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports Summit’s explanation of its success in retaining employees?

(A) Some people employed in the computer industry change jobs if they become bored with their current projects.

(B) A hierarchical work environment hinders the cooperative exchange of ideas that computer industry employees consider necessary for their work.

(C) Many of Summit’s senior employees had previously worked at only one other computer company.

(D) In a nonhierarchical work environment, people avoid behavior that might threaten group harmony and thus avoid discussing with their colleagues any dissatisfaction they might have with their jobs.

(E) The cost of living near Summit is relatively low compared to areas in which some other computer companies are located.

正确选B.请问D为什么不行?OG的解释是,it does not show how it would affect whether empoyees remain at the company. 但如果工作环境良好,关系和谐,没有勾心斗角,员工就不会跳槽啊??

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D 只说了 在nonhierarchical work environment里, 人们关系融洽, 不讨论工作中可能出现的不满, 但并没有说人们就想呆在这个公司啊. 你对这个选项加了你自己的理解,把它递进了一步.







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