今天很幸運,成績居然過700, 之前還擔心因為時間不夠,Verbal最後四條只是草草選了,會對分數有影響
AWA Argument: 一個地方Retail price increases, 導致owner 算另一個地方買retail space. Issue: To become successful professionally, someone has to sacrifice personal life.
Quantitative: 和之前9月9 日的機經有點相似: 有大人和小孩一起看戲(共50人),花了一些錢買票和零食,問那一個condition is sufficient to find out number of adults. 另一條在gwd出現過: A circle with a centre on positive x-axis, 問哪一個condition is sufficient to find the radius: (1) x co-ordinate 是某數 (2) y co-ordinate 是某數 還有Find a median of n consecutive even integers (1) Median is a ratio of the remaining sum of integers (2) the sum of remaining integers excluding median is a figure 較難的是a circle centred on (3, -4) cuts x-axis on two points and the distance between the two points is 8. Find the circumference of the circle.
Verbal: RC有法國女裁縫, 中耳構造, marketing strategy (bundle sales), 還有一個忘記了. 因為不夠時間,所越做心跳越快, 有很多一時忘了,如果記起會再補.