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AA: 64
Last year, we surveyed our employees on improvements needed at Company X by having them rank....
AI: 12
Education has become the main provider of individual opportunity in our society....

Quantitative :
1。PS: 一个圆环的面积和里面小环的面积之比为4,求大圆和小圆的周长比。(有图)
2.DS: x.y.z are integers, whether xy is even?
(1) xz is even
(2) yz is even
3.PS: a function f(x) (x is positive integer) is defined as the number of intergers which are less than x and do not have common factor with x other than 1, if p is any prime number, f(p)=?
(1) p-2
(2) p-1
(3) (p+1)/2
(4) (p-1)/2
(5) 2
4.DS: 一个三角形PQR(有图),角PQR为x,问PR>QR吗?
(2) x不等于60度
5.PS: 8!=2的J次方乘以3的K次方乘以5的L次方乘以7的M次方,问J+K+M+L=?(类似出现过的jj 题)
6.PS: In a company 50% of male employees and 40% of female employees are more than 35 years old, 42% of total employees are more than 35 years,ask female employees is what percent of total employees.
7.DS: in a x-y plane, line l and line k intersect at a point (-4/5, 8/5) ( 数字不准,但不影响),ask the slope of line l.
(1) line l is perpendicular to line k
(2) link k 过原点
8.DS: line k 过原点,whether point (-2/3,3/4) is on the line k?
(1) (-2,3)在line k 上
(2) (2,-3)在line k 上
( 数字不准,但不影响)
9.PS: a manager 召集m个directors 开会,每个director 又召集了n个 salespersons 开会(一起),问总共有多少人包括directors and salespersons 开会?
10.PS: an item is sold at a listed prix $210.00, including 5% tax, what is the price of the item before tax?
(3).(4).(5) 都大于$200.00
这题我有点迷惑,题目中只说了tax 是5%,但没有说是tax前的价格还是tax 后的价格的5%,按照常理似乎应该是tax 前的,我就选了$200.00,由于也不知道是否做对了
11. DS: what is the value of x的平方?
(1)5 (2)x is an integer
12. PS: what percent of 10 equal to 10 percent of 1?
13. PS: a machine makes 100 units in 5 hours, if add a distinct machine, two machines together make 100 units in 2 hours, how many units does this added machine make in an hour?
(1) 10
(2) 20
(3) 30
(4) 40
(5) 50
14. ds: S and M respectively drived t hours, S covered 350 miles and M covered 325 miles, what is M's speed?
(2)S's speed is 5 mile/hour greater than M's
15. ds. Tom paid income tax at a rate of 6% of annual income in 1999,Tome paid what percent of income in 2000 ?
(1)the taxable income of Tom is $34,200(数字不准) in 1999
(2)in 2000 Tome paid $600.00 more than what he paid in 1999

感觉语法越来越难,明显比OG难,很少有一眼就能看出的错误,如主谓不一致,明显的代词指代错误,干扰选项更是尽忠职守,让人难以分辨真伪,划线部分也越来越复杂,我碰到一道题几乎可以纳入杨鹏的<<阅读难句教程>> --- 划线部分句子套句子再套句子,足有4.5个句子之多 --- 几乎如杨鹏所言 ---发生思维混乱,大脑拒绝工作,以致当场昏厥.而且划线部分大量应用插入语和标点符号增加难度,不读句意而仅从结构上来判断是很困难的了.这使得lzm书上的公理越来越不管用,因为很多题目中的每个选项都逃不掉违背lzm的公理的罪名,即A选项违背了甲公理(如主动优先于被动),B违背了乙公理(动词优先于名词),C违背了丙公理(如情态动词不轻易加减)....,让人难以取舍,只有花更多的时间通过理解句意来判断,看来ETS不象原来那样出牌了.
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