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119. It is true of both men and women that those who
marry as young adults live longer than those who
never marry. This does not show that marriage causes
people to live longer, since, as compared with other
people of the same age, young adults who are about
to get married have fewer of the unhealthy habits that
can cause a person to have a shorter life, most
notably smoking and immoderate drinking of alcohol.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the
argument above?
(A) Marriage tends to cause people to engage less
regularly in sports that involve risk of bodily
(B) A married person who has an unhealthy habit is
more likely to give up that habit than a person
with the same habit who is unmarried.
(C) A person who smokes is much more likely than a
nonsmoker to marry a person who smokes at
the time of marriage, and the same is true for
people who drink alcohol immoderately.
(D) Among people who marry as young adults, most
of those who give up an unhealthy habit after
marriage do not resume the habit later in life.
(E) Among people who as young adults neither drink
alcohol immoderately nor smoke, those who
never marry live as long as those who marry.
OG的解释 by showing that a person who gets married young tends to live about
as long as one who had been living an equally healthy lifestyle as a young adult but who
never got married, the argument is greatly strengthened.看不懂……
A To the extent that risk of bodily harm decreases longevity, this weakens rather than strengthens
the argument.
B Th is option, too, weakens the argument rather than strengthens it, since it suggests that marriage
does indeed enhance one’s longevity.
C Even if a person with unhealthy habits who marries is more likely to wind up with a spouse with
unhealthy habits than is a person with healthy habits who marries, that tells us nothing about
whether the average person who gets married gets a boost in longevity.
D Th is option does not tell us whether it is also true of those who never marry that most of them
who give up an unhealthy habit as a young adult ever resume that habit later in life. Th us, by
itself, this option has no bearing on the strength of the argument.
E Correct. Th is strengthens the argument against the causal connection between marriage and
longevity by showing that the longevity diff erence disappears when the longevity of those who
marry young is compared with young adults with similar health habits who will never marry.
大家鄙视我的智商吧,真的不明白这道题了,望NN解答!多谢! |