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George: The economics taught in college is very confusing—and that’s because it’s all wrong.
Harold: If it’s all wrong, why is college economics still force-fed to students?
George: It’s very difficult to learn something that’s all wrong, and if, by chance, someone does waste all that time and learn it, he or she will be inclined to defend it ferociously and pass it on to others.

Which one of the following, if true, would most directly challenge George’s reasoning?

(A) Many college graduates who have taken economics go on to successful careers in a variety of other fields.
(B) College students who major in economics tend to earn higher grades in economics than in their other subjects.
(C) “Right” and “wrong” are relative terms in the field of economics.
(D) Many economics professors agree with journal articles that strongly criticize college economics.
(E) Interviews five years after graduation show that economics majors are just as likely to say that their college experience was enjoyable as are those who did not major in economics.

I chose A, but D works for me too.

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