今天超常发挥,感觉没有不会的题目。。。 结果 Q50 V18 total 580 5555555 对了,透露一下,gmat 分数是这么计算的, (Q+V)×8+15 大概就是这样 哈哈 大家看jj的同时帮我分析一下原因 AWA AA: 类比 一家公司买新电脑让员工回家加班,结果产量增加了。 所以,其他公司应该效仿提高利润 AI: too many people pay attention to the final results. The key to sucess is to focus on specific task on hand and not worry about the final results. Math 一部分JJ 1.60% people join a meeting are Republican ( i assume the other one is democratic?), 50% of them are vegetarian. - 40% are both are both Republican and Vegetarian.
- 30% in Republican are Vegetarian.
I choose D. (another question has exactly the same concept as this one) 2.讲 两个地方可以走折线,也可以直线。然后条件中知道折线的部分长度,文直线多少 RC 第一篇阅读第5道才出来,是JJ ,应该全对,怎么可能进入进入低分区了呢???????? T-3-Q4-Q6学者对印地安部落社会结构的假设
T-3-Q5 According to the passage, which of the following is probably true of the storage spaces mentioned in line 14? - They were used by the community elite for storage of their own food supplies.
- They served a ceremonial as well as a practical function.
- Their size is an indication of the wealth of the particular community to which they belonged.
- Their existence proves that the community to which they belonged imported large amounts of food.
- They belonged to and were used by the community as a whole.
line23-24 in such apparently communal spaces. T-3-Q6 The primary purpose of the passage is to - outline the methods by which resources were managed within a particular group of communities
- account for the distribution of wealth within a particular group of communities
- provide support for a hypothesis concerning the social structure of a particular society
- explain how political leadership changed in a particular historical situation
- present new evidence that contradicts previous theories about a particular historical situation
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 第二篇 妇女在杂志社的地位越来越 involve. due to lots of local city dailies are looking for advertisement and large circulation for financial resource. More women are involed in the editing postion, and put more advertisement for home commodities. 问题是细节题 第三篇 保险公司的对冲战略(40行左右,1屏不到,2段) 第一段: 保险公司在遇到自然灾害时会有较大的冲击,因为没有自然灾害没啥,一旦有了则要大量陪保费。于是保险公司就想出了一个办法来对冲自然灾害带来的风险:发行自然灾害债券。这种债券和传统的债券相比:一是它同样收取本金(principle),二是在没有遇到自然灾害的前提下,这种债券的收益率比传统债券高很多,但是一旦遇到自然灾害,那么这些债券的投资人的本金将部分或者全部无法返还。 第二段: 举了一个例子来说明第一段介绍的这种债券,(出题点:第二段的作用,我选了:用一个hyphosis case来说明第一段的内容)说是如果某个地方发成了龙卷风,则保险公司会根据约定,将它发放的自然灾害债券的本金全部用于向它的保户发放赔偿金;但是在没有遇到自然灾害的情况下,它的保户的保费也将和灾害债券一起投资,使投资者获取高额的收益。这就形成了对冲,保险公司将风险转嫁给了大众投资者(出题点:可以从文中推出什么,我选了:保险公司将风险进行转嫁)
CR 比较简单,一道JJ 通过DNA传播病菌那道 SC 很简单 ===== 但是,为什么分数这么低俄 我感觉真的是超常发挥啊。。。。 555555.55555 |