不知该说什么. 两个多月的努力换来的居然是低了将近100分的分数. 这使我不得不考虑是否要继续考.
Anyway, 感谢CD提供了那么多有用的东西. 我也将记得的一
AI: 72、“公司不应该使用诸如奖金或礼物之类的刺激手段改善员工的表现。这种刺激鼓励不好的举动而非要把工作做好的真实兴趣。
AA: 39.the following appeared in an avia airlines departmental memorandum.
“on average, 9 out of every 1,000 passengers who traveled on avia airlines last year filed a complaint about our baggage-handling procedures. this means that although some 1 percent of our passengers were unhappy with those procedures, the overwhelming majority were quite satisfied with them; thus it would appear that a review of the procedures is not important to our goal of maintaining or increasing the number of avia’s passengers.”
discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.
Math: 遇到的机经不多, 只记得有以下几道:
1.1/2+1/2^2+1/2^3+1/2^4+~ ~+1/2^10的范围是:
a. 0~1/2,b.,c.1~3/2,d. 3/2~2,e. 2~3
2. . x^2+6x+q, what is the value of q?
1). X^2+6x+q=x^2+rx+r-2. some r is satisfied for this quotation. All variable X is satisfied for this
2). x^2+6x=Q=(x+m)(x+n), some m and n is satisfied for this quotation. All variable X is satisfied for this
3. . M(0,3)是一直角三角形的顶点,一条边与X轴交于(-4,0),求另一条边与X轴的交点的坐标。(9/4,0)
4. 我遇到一题, 我认为可能是题目有误, 也可能是我理解有问题, 我已经报告给了管理员, 大家帮着看一看:题目是: 1994年, 一个公司总共往外发传真80 BILLION, 已知其从1987年开始, 每年发的传真数比上年增长(INCREASED BY )700%, 求其1987年发了多少BILLION传真? 答案最小的是10. 还有11.5等等, 有几十的, 最大的有几百的. 我认为可能是他们把年代搞错了, 这题花了我近10分钟的时间, 以至最后几道题完全没有时间做, 有三道题都是瞎点的. 我数学总共错了四题
这是去年12月机经的说法, 我也遇到了. 感觉一样—题出的有错(考回来才看到去年机经的)
That’s all from me. Hope can be helpful. Good luck to everybody. |