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With a record number of new companies starting up in Derderia and with previously established companies adding many jobs, a record number of new jobs were created last year in the Derderian economy.  This year, previously established companies(应该算去年的旧公司和新公司一起,这样理解下面B就不会错了,或者理解成去年的新公司不加,只有去年旧公司加但是今年加得少了,这样理解C就不会错) will not be adding as many new jobs overall as such companies added last year.  Therefore, unless a record number of companies start up this year, Derderia will not break its record for new jobs created.



Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?



(A) Each year, new companies starting up create more new jobs overall than do previously established companies.

(B) Companies established last year(是指的去年的新公司) will not add a greater number of jobs overall this year than they did last year.如果去年旧公司增加少,去年新公司增加的工作比开业提供的工作多的话,总的增加量还是不变,即文中紫色

(C) This year, the new companies(是指的今年的新公司了) starting up will not provide substantially more jobs per company than did new companies last year.两个绿色是不一样的,后面的是last year的新公司,如果前者多的话,需要的量就很少了,就否定了a record number,可以用Per company。要比去年新的JOB多,不可能不开新公司。所以应该否定的是record

(D) This year, the overall number of jobs created by previously established companies will be less than the overall number of jobs lost at those companies.

(E) The number of jobs created in the Derderian economy last year was substantially larger than the number of jobs lost last year.


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发现你好多题的思路都和我初次做时一样, 呵呵!

实际这题就是不要去想对于今年来说旧公司的构成, 很简单每年的新工作都来自两个方面: a,旧公司提供的;b,新公司提供的

文章说今年的a方面提供的肯定不会比去年a方面提供的多, 那么要是想总数大于去年, b方面就必须提供的更多.

可是b提供的值由单个公司提供的数量和新开公司的数量乘机决定, 文章光说了新开公司的数量, 没提单个公司的数量, 这里自然就是需要架桥的assumption了


谢谢楼上的,想通了,B选项把我绕进去了,B是在“a,旧公司提供的”里的构成变化做文章,不管怎么变,反正结论都是This year, previously established companies will not be adding as many new jobs overall 你说的对,反正旧公司的就不管他了,比较的是这两年各年的新公司提供工作的数量


偶还是第一遍, 不过是二战了, 所以好多题见过了



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