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CR OG11-23

23. With the emergence of biotechnology companies, it was feared that they would impose silence about proprietary results on their in-house researchers and their academic consultants. This constraint, in turn, would slow the development of biological science and engineering.
Which of the following, if true, would tend to weaken most seriously the prediction of scientific secrecy described above?

(A) Biotechnological research funded by industry has reached some conclusions that are of major scientific importance.

(B) When the results of scientific research are kept secret, independent researchers are unable to build on those results.

(C) Since the research priorities of biotechnology companies are not the same as those of academic insititutions, the financial support of research by such companies distorts the research agenda.

(D) To enhance the companies’ standing in the scientific community, the biotechnology companies encourage employees to publish their results, especially results that are important.

(E) Biotechnology companies devote some of their research resources to problems that are of fundamental scientific importance and that are not expected to produce immediate practical applications

正确答案是D,可是我觉得B也对啊,如果保密不能继续研究的话那就不得不公开了啊, OG的解释上就简简单单一句不是WEAKEN就好了

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题目要求weaken “the prediction of scientific secrecy", 而B"when the results..are kept secret", 已经承认了所要weaken 的对象。当然就没作用了。



B选项的主体是independent researchers,原文未提及,因为原文一直在说

biotechnology companies。因此independent researchers怎么样并不能对原文结论构成


D选项说明了publish their results对biotechnology companies有切身的利益,因此削






不管B怎样有他削弱的理由,选most seriously weaken的



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