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In Rubaria, excellent health care is available to virtually the entire population, whereas very few people in Terland receive adequate medical care. Yet, although the death rate for most diseases is higher in Terland than in Rubaria, the percentage of the male population that dies from prostate cancer is significantly higher in Rubaria than in Terland.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain the disparity between the prostate cancer death rate in Rubaria and Terland?
A.        Effective treatment of prostate cancer in its early stages generally requires medical techniques available in Rubaria but not in Terland.
B.        Most men who have prostate cancer are older than the average life expectancy for male inhabitants of Terland.
C.        Being in poor general health does not increase one’s risk of developing prostate cancer.
D.        It is possible to decrease one’s risk of getting prostate cancer by eating certain kinds of foods, and such foods are more readily available in Rubaria than in Terland.
E.        Among men in Rubaria, the death rate from prostate cancer is significantly higher for those who do not take full advantage of Rubaria’s health care system than for those who do.
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Several ancient Greek texts provide accounts of people being poisoned by honey that texts suggest was made from the nectar of rhododendron or oleander plants. Honey made from such nectar can cause the effects the texts describe, but only if eaten fresh, since the honey loses its toxicity within a few weeks of being made. In Greece, rhododendrons and oleander bloom only in springtime, when they are the predominant sources of nectar.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly support the accounts of Greek texts?
A.        There are no plants that Greece in ancient times that produce more nectar than rhododendrons or oleanders does.
B.        In areas where neither rhododendrons nor oleanders grow, honey is never poisonous.
C.        A beebive’s honeycomb cannot have some sections that contain toxic honey and other sections that contain nontoxic honey
D.        The incidents of honey poisoning that are related in the ancient texts occurred in the springtime or in the early summer
E.        Whether the honey in a beehive is toxic depends solely on which plants were the source of that was used to make the honey.
答案为D。D选项包含原文时间。本文结论为中毒是由rhododendron or oleander plants导致的,B选项根本没有加强该结论。


Unprecedented industrial growth in the country of Remo has created serious environmental problems because factories there lack adequate pollution-control systems.  Remo is developing a clean growth plan that includes environmental regulations that will require the installation of such systems.  Since no companies in Remo currently produce pollution-control systems, the plan, if implemented, will create significant opportunities for foreign exporters to market pollution-control systems.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A.        The clean growth plan will provide tax incentives for local businesses to develop and manufacture pollution-control devices.
B.        Foreign exporters would provide factory-trained technicians to maintain the pollution-control systems sold to Remo.
C.        Industrial lobbyists sponsored by local businesses in Remo are trying to prevent the implementation of the government regulations.
D.        The regulations that Remo plans to implement are much less strict than those in neighboring nations.
E.        Pollution in Remo has caused serious health problems for workers, contributing to a significant increase in the number of workdays lost to illness.
答案为A。题目问题说了if implemented,因此选项C错误。逻辑题的本质就是——千万仔细看原文啊!!!!


Although the discount stores in Goreville’s central shopping district are expected to close within five years as a result of competition from a SpendLess discount department store that just opened, those locations will not stay vacant for long.  In the five years since the opening of Colson’s, a nondiscount department store, a new store has opened at the location of every store in the shopping district that closed because it could not compete with Colson’s.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A.        Many customers of Colson’s are expected to do less shopping there than they did before the SpendLess store opened.
B.        Increasingly, the stores that have opened in the central shopping district since Colson’s opened have been discount stores.
C.        At present, the central shopping district has as many stores operating in it as it ever had.
D.        Over the course of the next five years, it is expected that Goreville’s population will grow at a faster rate than it has for the past several decades.
E.        Many stores in the central shopping district sell types of merchandise that are not available at either SpendLess or Colson’s.
答案选B。原文中提了三次discount ,一次nondiscount,这就是关键。逻辑题的本质就是——千万仔细看原文啊!!!!


Editorial: In Ledland, unemployed adults receive government assistance.  To reduce unemployment, the government proposes to supplement the income of those who accept jobs that pay less than government assistance, thus enabling employers to hire workers cheaply.  However, the supplement will not raise any worker’s income above what government assistance would provide if he or she were not gainfully employed.  Therefore, unemployed people will have no financial incentive to accept jobs that would entitle them to the supplement.
Which of the following, if true about Ledland, most seriously weakens the argument of the editorial?
A.        The government collects no taxes on assistance it provides to unemployed individuals and their families.
B.        Neighboring countries with laws that mandate the minimum wage an employer must pay an employee have higher unemployment rates than Ledland currently has.
C.        People who are employed and look for a new job tend to get higher-paying jobs than job seekers who are unemployed.
D.        The yearly amount unemployed people receive from government assistance is less than the yearly income that the government defines as the poverty level.
E.        People sometimes accept jobs that pay relatively little simply because they enjoy the work.


Certain politicians in the country of Birangi argue that a 50 percent tax on new automobiles would halt the rapid increase of automobiles on Birangi’s roads and thereby slow the deterioration of Birangi’s air quality.  Although most experts agree that such a tax would result in fewer Birangians buying new vehicles and gradually reduce the number of automobiles on Birangi’s roads, they contend that it would have little impact on Birangi’s air-quality problem.
Which of the following, if true in Birangi, would most strongly support the experts’ contention about the effect of the proposed automobile tax on Birangi’s air-quality problem?
A.        Automobile emissions are the largest single source of air pollution.
B.        Some of the proceeds from the new tax would go toward expanding the nonpolluting commuter rail system.
C.        Currently, the sales tax on new automobiles is considerably lower than 50 percent.
D.        Automobiles become less fuel efficient and therefore contribute more to air pollution as they age.
E.        The scrapping of automobiles causes insignificant amounts of air pollution.


Journalist:  Well-known businessman Arnold Bergeron has long been popular in the state, and he has often talked about running for governor, but he has never run.  However, we have just learned that Bergeron has fulfilled the financial disclosure requirement for candidacy by submitting a detailed list of his current financial holdings to the election commission.  So, it is very likely that Bergeron will be a candidate for governor this year.
The answer to which of the following questions would be most useful in evaluating the journalist’s argument?
A.        Has anybody else who has fulfilled the financial disclosure requirement for the upcoming election reported greater financial holdings than Bergeron?
B.        Is submitting a list of holdings the only way to fulfill the election commission’s financial disclosure requirements?
C.        Did the information recently obtained by the journalists come directly from the election commission?
D.        Have Bergeron’s financial holdings increased in value in recent years?
E.        Had Bergeron also fulfilled the financial disclosure requirements for candidacy before any previous gubernatorial elections?
答案为E。E选项说的是fulfill requirement和election的关系,B选项说的是submit list和fulfill requirement的关系,故B错。



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