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53. one variety of partially biodegradable plastic beverage container is manufactured from small bits of lastic bound together by a degradable bonding agent such as constarch. Since only the bonding agent degrades, leaving the small bits of plastic, no less plastic refuse per container is produced when such containers are discarded than when comparable nonbiodegradable containers are discarded.

which most strengthens the argument above?

答案B. the partially biodegradable plastic beverage container are made with more plastic than comparable nonbiodegradable ones in order to compensate for the weakening effect of the bonding agent.


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53. one variety of partially biodegradable plastic beverage container is manufactured from small bits of lastic bound together by a degradable bonding agent such as constarch.

53. one variety of partially biodegradable plastic beverage container is manufactured from small bits of lastic bound together by a degradable bonding agent such as constarch. which most strengthens the argument above?


 Since only the bonding agent degrades, leaving the small bits of plastic, no less plastic refuse per container is produced when such containers are discarded than when comparable nonbiodegradable containers are discarded.只有当这种粘合剂分解的时候,留下来的东西就是塑料,而且这中器皿被discaed的时候,产生的塑料垃圾多于非生化讲解的器皿被discard的时候产生的垃圾。

which most strengthens the argument above?

那就是说制造container需要==》bonding agent中的塑料

bonding agent分解成为塑料,附带留下来的还有一堆垃圾(无用的东西),那么bio container的垃圾》》nobio container,那么bio肯定是需要更多的塑料才能做一样的产品啊。。那么肯定需要的agent也是要更多.


以下是引用sunnyfields在2008-1-18 20:25:00的发言:

53. one variety of partially biodegradable plastic beverage container is manufactured from small bits of lastic bound together by a degradable bonding agent such as constarch.

53. one variety of partially biodegradable plastic beverage container is manufactured from small bits of lastic bound together by a degradable bonding agent such as constarch. which most strengthens the argument above?


 Since only the bonding agent degrades, leaving the small bits of plastic, no less plastic refuse per container is produced when such containers are discarded than when comparable nonbiodegradable containers are discarded.只有当这种粘合剂分解的时候,留下来的东西就是塑料,而且这中器皿被discaed的时候,产生的塑料垃圾多于非生化讲解的器皿被discard的时候产生的垃圾。

which most strengthens the argument above?

那就是说制造container需要==》bonding agent中的塑料

bonding agent分解成为塑料,附带留下来的还有一堆垃圾(无用的东西),那么bio container的垃圾》》nobio container,那么bio肯定是需要更多的塑料才能做一样的产品啊。。那么肯定需要的agent也是要更多.




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