总算把申请全结束了,能不能有学校要我,就看天意吧,我尽力了!从一月的那天到现在,心里没放松过一天。 UNC我是Adcom面试,face to face在北京,一共面了30余分钟,发问方式犹如一台机器。问题如下 1 Brief introduction of your career path and your current job 2 why unc 3 leadership style 4 what is the role i paly in the team when i was a leader 5 what environment i like to work in 6 what will i repsonse when i was in the emergency 7 why UNC should choose me over other chinese applicants? 8 How do i handle when the multi important things are coming up 9 a failure story 10 what is the challenge i had 11 what can i do if the team members are not in the consesus 13 do you have any experience of not following the order? |