可能有点晚了,刚刚拿到offer,把面试的经验拿出来跟大家分享一下。 Interviewer是 Alan Morrison,照片上看是个很smart的人,结果没想到面试时穿着很随便的毛衣,头发乱乱的,看起来刚睡醒的样子,不过人很好,不会给你压迫感。 我是早上9点半的面试,大概15分钟就结束了,那天面试的人大多都是10-20分钟。 几乎没有general questions。 - Q: What modules have you taken in your third year?
A: Econometrics, financial economics, Research in Applied economics......
- Q: What have you learned from Financial Economics?
A: corporate finance,capital structure.....(其实我这门课没去听过,因为和另外的课时冲撞了,所以都是用第二年学的finance蒙过去的)
- Q: What do you think is the most important development in capital structure over the past 50 years?
M&M theory, 然后具体说了一遍MM(1958) and MM(1960) ,不过忘了personal taxation的部分了。然后他就一直问personal taxation对investment choice的影响,直到我终于想起来才放过我
- Debt to Equity Swap(具体忘了是什么了,只记得没学过不会回答,然后他一直在引导,直到我答对了)
- Q: What are your future career planning after you return to China? (问这题的原因是我personal statement里有提到要回国)
A: probably central banks(突然想不到临时编的)
- Q: Why do you want to go to central banks?
A: Because financial industry is fast developing and as the Chinese financial industry still have some problems, it is a great opportunity for me to contribute and succeed.
- Q: What problems does the financial industry face?
A: poor governance of banks. Large scale of Non-performing debt due to the support to state owned enterprises.
- Q: What strategies could the banks take to solve this problem?
A: Debt to Equity swap (从报纸上看来的,所以我很明确的告诉他我也不清楚具体是怎么回事,怕他再往下问)
- Q: Why do state owned enterprises perform badly?
A: Lack of incentive to increase productivity as government
- Q: Do you think privatisation is a good idea and do you think investors welcome privatisation and invest in these companies?
A: Yes. Although the state owned companies are making losses, they have factories and equipments which could make profit is well managed.
- Q: What do you think is the most challenging part of this course?
后来我出来又问了一下别人,打算读PhD的都会问到研究方向。还有一个问题我觉得比较难回答的是‘Why does financial market exist?' 当时那个人没答上来,Alan就问了些别的问题,大概过了5分钟又绕回来问,所以回答的时候一定要尽量想可能的答案然后说出来,错了的话他会纠正你,并且把你引导会正确的方向。 我记得的大概就这么多,还有一些细节上的专业问题有点忘了,希望对大家有帮助