以下是一位美国申请者成功申请哈佛商学院的例子。这份申请包括申请者的个人陈述和一封推荐信,是一套完整的申请材料。 ------------------------------------------------------------------ EDUCATION: Question on the Application Please list all high schools, colleges, and universities attended. Use prefix (F) where full time; (P) where part time. Note that transcripts are required for all collegiate and post-collegiate schools. (The form on the application had a table where the applicant had to supply the name of the institution, its location, the applicant's period of study, and the degree and year received if applicable.) Response of Applicant Phillips Andover Academy, NH, 9/85 to 6/88, graduated Univ. of California, Berkeley, 9/88 to 6/92, B.A. Question on the Application Have you ever been suspended, expelled, or placed on probation at any school for academic or disciplinary reasons. (Yes or No) If "yes," please explain on a separate page. Response of Applicant "No" was checked. Question on Application Major field of study at college: Your Minor: Response of Applicant Economics for major, no minor Question on Application Cumulative Grade Point Average on 4.00 scale: GPA by year: Response of Applicant · Cumulative = 3.24 · Year 1 = 2.75 · Year 2 = 3.00 · Year 3 = 3.17 · Year 4 = 3.80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVITIES Question on Application Please list all activities in order of importance to you. Note that the Admissions Board reserves the right to verify the accuracy of this information. The application contained two tables. One for activities in college, the other for post-collegiate Community or Civic activities. For each table, the applicant had to name the activity, indicate the dates of participation, list the office held, present the # of members in the association, and finally indicate the hours spent on the activity per week. Answer by Applicant -- College Activities · Undergraduate Business Club, 89-90, Co-Chair Intern Comm. (appointed), 200+ members and 3 hours per week. · Recreational Volley Ball, 1991, Member of Team, 3 hours per week. Answer by Applicant -- Community/Civic Activities · Computers for adults, 9/93 to 4/94, Lead Instructor (appointed), no indication of the number of members, 6 hours per week. ------------------------------------------------------------------- AWARDS & RECOGNITION Question on Application List distinctions, honors and awards (academic, military, extracurricular, professional, community). Please note basis of selection and specify the years (a large open section existed in which the applicant had to type a response.) Answer by Applicant · Dean's List Spring Semester of 1991. Semester GPA of 3.908. In top 5% of all Undergraduate Students. · Dean's List Fall Semester of 1991. Semester GPA of 3.808. In top 4% of all Undergraduate Students.
[此贴子已经被admin于2007-6-25 14:29:04编辑过] |