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GWD-6-Q35 to GWD-6-Q37:

(The following is excerpted from material written in 1992.)

Many researchers regard Thailand’s

recent economic growth, as reflected by its

gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates,

Line as an example of the success of a modern

(5) technological development strategy based

on the market economics of industrialized

countries. Yet by focusing solely on aggre-

gate economic growth data as the measure

of Thailand’s development, these research-

(10) ers have overlooked the economic impact of

rural development projects that improve

people’s daily lives at the village level—

such as the cooperative raising of water

buffalo, improved sanitation, and the devel-

(15) opment of food crops both for consumption

and for sale at local markets; such projects

are not adequately reflected in the country’s

GDP. These researchers, influenced by

Robert Heilbroner’s now outdated develop-

(20) ment theory, tend to view nontechnological

development as an obstacle to progress.

Heilbroner’s theory has become doctrine in

some economics textbooks: for example,

Monte Palmer disparages nontechnological

rural development projects as inhibiting

constructive change. Yet as Ann Kelleher’s

two recent case studies of the Thai villages

Non Muang and Dong Keng illustrate, the


(30) dichotomy can lead researchers not only to

overlook real advances achieved by rural

development projects but also mistakenly to

conclude that because such advances are

initiated by rural leaders and are based on

(35) traditional values and practices, they retard

“real” economic development.



It can be inferred from the passage that the term “real” in line 36 most likely refers to economic development that is

  1. based on a technological development strategy
  2. not necessarily favored by most researchers
  3. initiated by rural leader
  4. a reflection of traditional values and practices
  5. difficult to measure statistically


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Yet as Ann Kelleher’s

two recent case studies of the Thai villages

Non Muang and Dong Keng illustrate, the


(30) dichotomy can lead researchers not only to

overlook real advances achieved by rural

development projects but also mistakenly to

conclude that because such advances are

initiated by rural leaders and are based on

(35) traditional values and practices, they(指advances) retard

“real” economic development.




Heilbroner’s theory has become doctrine in

some economics textbooks: for example,

Monte Palmer disparages nontechnological

rural development projects as inhibiting

constructive change.
disparage: 蔑视,贬低
in order to 题中 for example主要作用是支持前文提到观点


首先对标点符号的使用应该有一个了解,引号表示引用,或特殊目的(反语,比喻等),首先可以判定的一点就是该处作用是后者。我个人认为不管一篇文章是否考主旨题,读文章的过程应该对主旨及结构有一个清晰的把握。作者开篇提出一种观点,一些研究人员认为泰国的经济增长源于其科技发展策略,yet一转折,作者认为农村传统经济的发展对泰国的贡献也很大;而这些研究者们很学院派的根据一种过时的观点作出判断并认为农村经济对经济发展有阻碍作用(These researchers, influenced by Robert Heilbroner’s now outdated develop-(20) ment theory, tend to view nontechnological development as an obstacle to progress.)。最后文章又回到了这点上,拉了一个人跟他一起来批判这些研究者。所谓的“真正”的发展正是是作者所批判的,而被研究者们支持的狭隘的基于科技策略的发展,是反语的用法。所以答案是A

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-26 13:14:16编辑过]



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