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美国MBA Essay Editing TIPs

Admissions officers cite MBA essays as the most critical part of the application. MBA essay themes usually cover career goals, community involvement, ethical dilemmas, personal growth, leadership ability, managerial potential, or school fit.

MBAPrepAdvantage views the business school application as a marketing package. Consequently, we leverage our direct knowledge of how admissions committees evaluate candidates to help you construct powerful MBA essays that best convey your unique skills, experiences, and values. We also review your entire application package (essays, resumes, data sheets, short answers, etc.) to ensure all essential admission criteria are met.
Editing essays includes oral critiques, extensive comments and line-by-line edits that improves content and language while preserving the integrity of your distinct writing style.
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MBA Essay Content

1.Does your essay directly answer the question?
2.Does your essay use specific examples and numbers to substantiate every claim?
3.Is your essay logically constructed?
4.Does your essay present you as accomplished and multi-dimensional (professional / personal / community)?
5.Does your essay provide additional insight instead of restating information found elsewhere in your application?
6.Does your essay avoid discussion of inappropriate topics and low-level accomplishments?
7.Does your essay contain awkward sentences, redundant phrases, imprecise diction or incorrect spelling?
8.If you use the SAR (Situation - Action - Result) framework, what percent of the word limit does your essay allocate for each section?
9.Does your entire application package (long essays, short essays, data sheets, resume, and transcripts) depict a consistent picture of your leadership ability, managerial potential, and logical career plan?


MBA Essay Language
10.Does your essay effectively use business English to communicate your ideas?
11.Does your essay use compelling language to engage the reader?
12.Does your essay use effective topic sentences, transitional phrases and syntactic variety to form a cohesive essay?
13.Is your essay logically constructed with an engaging introduction and powerful conclusion?
14.Is your essay grammatically correct?
15.Is your essay written in the active voice?
16.Does your essay contain awkward sentences, redundant phrases, imprecise diction or incorrect spelling?



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