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77. How do the airlines expect to prevent commercial plane crashes? Studies have shown that pilot error contributes to two-thirds of all such crashes. To address this problem, the airline have upgraded their training programs by increasing the hours of classroom instruction and emphasizing communication skills in the cockpit. But it is unrealistic to expect such measures to compensate for pilots’ lack of actual flying time. Therefore, the airlines should rethink their training approach to reducing commercial crashes.

Which one of the following is an assumption upon which the argument depends?

A Training programs can eliminate pilot errors.
B Commercial pilot routinely undergo additional training throughout their careers.
C The number of airline crashes will decrease if pilot training programs focus on increasing actual flying time.
D Lack of actual flying time is an important contributor to pilot error in commercial plane crashes.
E Communication skills are not important to pilot training programs.
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C The number of airline crashes will decrease if pilot training programs focus on increasing actual flying time.
D Lack of actual flying time is an important contributor to pilot error in commercial plane crashes.

D说明了Lack of actual flying time 和pilot error in commercial plane crashes是有联系的,没有说明使正方向还是负方向




我想了一下,你看对不对,把C取非之后就是 不增加实际飞行时间就不能减少crash,这样在程度上要比文中说的强,文中说But it is unrealistic to expect such measures to compensate for pilots’
lack of actual flying time. Therefore, the airlines should rethink
their training approach to reducing commercial crashes.并没有否定increasing the hours of classroom instruction and emphasizing communication skills in the cockpit的作用,如果文中说这两样都不管用,唯有增加实际飞行时间在是正途,那么C就是正选,不知道我说的对吗,请指教。


106. The seventeenth-century physicist Sir Isaac Newton is remembered chiefly for his treatises on motion and gravity. But Newton also conducted experiments secretly for many years abased on the arcane theories of alchemy, trying unsuccessfully to transmute common metals into gold and produce rejuvenating elixirs. If the alchemists of the seventeenth century had published the results of their experiments, chemistry in the eighteenth century would have been more advance than it actually was.
Which one of the following assumptions would allow the conclusion concerning eighteenth-century chemistry to be properly drawn?C
(A) Scientific progress is retarded by the reluctance of historians to acknowledge the failures of some of the great scientists.
(B) Advances in science are hastened when reports of experiments, whether successful or not, are available for review by other scientists.
(C) Newton’s work on motion and gravity would not have gained wide acceptance if the results of his work in alchemy had also been made public.
(D) Increasing specialization within the sciences makes it difficult for scientists in one field to understand the principles of other fields.
(E) The seventeenth-century alchemists could have achieved their goal only if their experiments had been subjected to public scrutiny.
正选是B,同意,如果我把E改成The chemistry of 19th century would have been advanced only if the alchemists's experiments had been subjected to public scrutiny.是不是和上面那道题一样是个加强的迷惑项呢,很有意义,继续讨论



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