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Tuck MBA First Year Courses

Analysis for General Managers
This minicourse focuses on general management—what it is, what it means for people and organizations, why it's important, and how it affects the identification of key problems and opportunities that help define whether companies will be winners or losers. The module has three primary goals: to introduce the notion of a general management perspective, to foster understanding of the general manager's job, and to develop analytical skills for effective problem solving and opportunity identification.

Capital Markets
Managers in any corporate function should understand the pricing of stocks and bonds. This course examines the complex interrelationships among equity and fixed income markets. Topics include the cost of money (interest rates) in bond markets; how stocks and bonds should be priced and why prices are sometimes not realized because of institutional factors or market inefficiencies; the optimal construction of portfolios of investments, emphasizing the trade-off between risk and return in great detail; and the pricing and uses of derivative assets such as futures and options and how they may be used to control financial risk in corporations.
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Statistics for Managers
This course provides an in-depth introduction to statistics as applied to managerial problems. The emphasis is on conceptual understanding as well as conducting statistical analyses. Students will learn both the limitations and potential of statistics and how to interpret results. They will also gain hands-on experience using Excel as well as more comprehensive packages such as SPSS. Topics include descriptive statistics (central tendency, dispersion, skewness, and covariance), continuous distributions (especially the normal), confidence intervals for means and proportions, and regression analysis (model evaluation, coefficient evaluation and interpretation, prediction intervals, multicollinearity, omitted variables bias, indicator variables, and model building). Application areas include finance (for example, portfolio construction), operations (such as quality control), and marketing (for example, promotion and advertising response).


Operations Management
Operations management is the systematic direction and control of the processes that transform inputs into finished goods or services. This course provides an introduction to the concepts and analytic methods that are useful in understanding the management of a firm's operations. The level of analysis varies considerably, from operations strategy to daily control of production processes, order fulfillment, and inventory.

Professional Leadership
The objective of this course is for students to develop an understanding of their strengths and opportunities for improvement as leaders and to use that knowledge to identify actions that will advance their leadership potential. The centerpiece of the class is a comprehensive assessment of each student’s leadership skills, based on confidential evaluations completed by former bosses, co-workers, peers, and clients before the class begins. At the end of the course, students will develop a Leadership Development Plan, a specific and measurable plan for strengthening their leadership skills.


Managerial Economics
This course applies the ideas and methodology of economics to analysis of the firm, key decisions within the firm, and the industry. Topics covered include costs, pricing, competition, economic efficiency, and industry equilibrium and change. Particular attention is paid to behavior of the firm and industries when uncertainty and transaction costs exist. The course combines lectures/discussions of principles with cases covering both current and classic firm and industry dilemmas. Issues of public policy, especially regarding antitrust issues, are also covered.

This course introduces students to the role of marketing within business firms. Through assigned readings, lectures, case studies, and a course project, students apply analytical concepts and techniques developed from a variety of disciplines to define, analyze, and solve marketing problems. Specific topics include consumer behavior, market segmentation, targeting, customer equity, brand equity, brand positioning, marketing research, product policy, pricing strategy, distribution channels, marketing communications, global branding, new product development, and social marketing.


Leading Individuals & Teams
This course will provide students with conceptual frameworks for increasing individual and team performance. Topics include: understanding the dimensions along which individuals differ, identifying the key principles that foster high individual performance, learning when to structure work using teams, recognizing common pitfalls associated with working in teams.

Leading Organizations
The purpose of this course is to develop students’ effectiveness to lead at the executive level by (1) introducing them to frameworks that are useful for diagnosing organizational performance and (2) helping them learn how to exercise leadership through organizational culture, organizational design, organizational congruence, and effective change management.

Management Communication
This minicourse gives students the opportunity to improve their ability to communicate effectively as managers. Students examine and practice the communication strategies and skills that are essential for success in business. More specifically, the three course goals are to improve (1) understanding of and ability to apply communication strategy, (2) managerial writing ability, and (3) managerial speaking ability.


First Year Project
The Tuck First-Year Project is a term-long course that provides students the opportunity to apply their core academic knowledge to a real-world problem, gain practical experience in planning and executing a project, and tailor the curriculum to their individual goals. Students work in self-selected teams of five on a project of their own choosing. Each team selects one of their members as the Engagement Manager, who is responsible for management of the project. Each team also works with a Faculty Advisor who meets with them weekly and coaches them through the process. Most projects have an external client who provides motivation for the project and access to data and people in the target organization. The exception is entrepreneurial projects, in which the student team develops a business plan for a new product or service and pitches it to venture capitalists.

Global Economics for Managers
Global Economics for Managers will expand your knowledge of economics in two directions. First, expansion of the scope of inquiry covers the economics of the nation in a global economy. This portion of the course will cover international economics and macroeconomics. The focus of study will be on the larger economic forces that shape production, trade flows, capital flows, interest rates, exchange rates, and other variables that create the global economic landscape. The second direction is international microeconomics which will apply the tools of microeconomics and international economics to illustrate how globalization influences performance, strategy, and policy within firms. The ultimate objective is to help students develop a framework for analyzing both opportunities and risks in a global economic environment.


Decision Science
This course introduces the basic concepts of model building and encourages students to take an analytic view of decision making. The electronic spreadsheet is used as the principle device for building models, and the course covers the concepts of effective spreadsheet design and use. With that background, students acquire knowledge about specific management science techniques, such as optimization and simulation, and the student builds spreadsheet models to identify choices, formalize trade-offs, specify constraints, perform sensitivity analyses, and analyze the impact of uncertainty.

Financial Measurement, Analysis, and Reporting
This course develops the basic concepts and procedures underlying corporate financial statements and introduces tools for analyzing profitability and risk. We explore the impact of the alternatives available within generally accepted accounting principles on financial statements, especially in terms of management's financial reporting strategy.


This course is concerned with the formulation of business strategy and its implementation. Strategy is concerned with answering two central questions: 1) what businesses should we participate in? and 2) how should we compete? Managing the enterprise in a way that facilitates arriving at and implementing the best answers to these questions is referred to as strategic management. In this course, students learn concepts and frameworks that are useful for analyzing and formulating business strategies. Students also develop skills for identifying managerial issues, finding alternative ways to deal with those issues, and evaluating alternative plans of action. Finally, students learn specific analytical techniques for diagnosing the competitive position of a business, evaluating business strategies, and identifying and analyzing specific business options.

Corporate Finance
This course discusses basic principles of corporate finance and provides practical tools for financial decisions and valuation. The course consists of five sections. The first, Capital Budgeting Decisions, shows optimal project acceptance criteria consistent with the objective of maximizing the market value of the firm. The second section, Estimating the Cost of Capital, extends the analysis from the Capital Markets course to the practice of estimating a project's expected return. The third section, Valuation Techniques, develops several valuation methods used in practice, including WACC, APV, multiples, and real options. Part four, Capital Structure and Dividend Policies, involves a discussion of how capital structure and dividend decisions affect firm value and surveys industry practice. Part five of the course, Investment Banking, develops key principles and practices for raising capital, mergers and acquisitions, and modern restructuring techniques.



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