Q50,V27,T640,二战。 昨晚就开始下雨,直到现在。当按下按钮的时候,和预感的差不多,和模考也一致,鸡肋分数,申请学校估计没多大用处。有了一战的失利,这次反倒心情很平静。一战时Q和V都不好,这次Q上去了,但V和上次一样,一个月以来全职的复习结果竟让是V一点没有提高,分数和一战一样!超级郁闷,这个分数都不知道怎样面对家人,尤其是女朋友。有时怀疑自己到底应该不应该走留学这条路,都三十出头的人了。正在犹豫是否三战。 少量JJ,供XDJM参考: AA:(并非原文,根据回忆如下) Personnel director to executive office of Company X reported to management team: since the company surveyed the employees when presented a list of issues of possible improvements in order of importance, employeed consistently ranked the communications between employees and management as the highest importance. Besides, the company held a series of information sessions between employees and management in which employees could attend on voluntary basis. The personnel director concluded that improvements in management have been made. AI:(并非原文,根据回忆如下) In the globalization and international cooperation, the role of people as the citizens of the world is more important than the role of a particular country. Q: 偶记数学题不是很好,就不误导大家了。我的数学部分新题比较多,本月JJ大概10来道左右。 RC: 1 讲细菌那篇; 2 法国的马赛,地中海贸易,进口税那篇; 3 cluster的优势和劣势; 4 时间不够了,放了。 CR: 有一道是说一个小镇的政府向当地的non-profit cultural organizations征收property tax; 还有一道是说海獭数量减少和鲸的关系。 SC:想不起来了。 |