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George Bernard Shaw wrote:"That any sane nation, having observed that you could provide for the supply of bread by giving bakers a pecuniary interest in baking for you, should go on to give a surgeon a pecuniary interest in cutting off your leg is enough to make one despair of political humanity."
shaw's statement would best serve as an illustration in an argument criticizing which of the following?
(A) Dentists who perform unnecessary dental work in order to earn a profit
(B) Doctors who increase their profits by specializing only in diseases that affect a large percentage of the population
(C) Grocers who raise the price of food in order to increase their profit margins
(D) Oil companies that decrease the price of their oil in order to increase their market share
(E) Bakers and surgeons who earn a profit by wupplying other peoples' basic needs

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George Bernard Shaw写道:如果一个国家看到你通过给一个面包师金钱上的好处来供应面包,它会给一个外科医生金钱上的好处来锯掉你的腿,这种做法足以令人对政治的人性关怀感到失望。
我选A. 我认为关键的一词是unnecessary.根据Shaw说的话,面包师的本来职责就是烤面包供应面包,外科医生就是给人做手术的,但是还要给他们提供金钱利益让他们完成分内的事。
A 也许病人并没有牙病,但是牙科医生偏说他有病,进行不必要的治疗来赚钱。



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