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That the application of new technology can increase the productivity of existing coal mines is demonstrated by the case of Tribnia’s coal industry.  Coal output per miner in Tribnia is double what it was five years ago, even though no new mines have opened.



Which of the following can be properly concluded from the statement about coal output per miner in the passage?



  1. If the number of miners working in Tribnian coal mines has remained constant in the past five years, Tribnia’s total coal production has doubled in that period of time.

  2. Any individual Tribnian coal mine that achieved an increase in overall output in the past five years has also experienced an increase in output per miner.

  3. If any new coal mines had opened in Tribnia in the past five years, then the increase in output per miner would have been even greater than it actually was.

  4. If any individual Tribnian coal mine has not increased its output per miner in the past five years, then that mine’s overall output has declined or remained constant.

  5. In Tribnia the cost of producing a given quantity of coal has declined over the past five years.

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A theory is either true or false. Galileo’s observations of Jupiter’s satellites showed that the Ptolemaic theory of the motion of celestial bodies is false. Therefore, since the Copernican theory of planetary motion is inconsistent with the Ptolemaic account, Galileo’s observations of Jupiter’s satellites proved the truth of the Copernican theory.

The argument above is open to the objection that it makes the questionable assumption that

A.      Whoever first observed something inconsistent with the truth of the Ptolemaic theory should be credited with having proved that theory false.

B.       There are some possible observations that would be inconsistent with the account given by the Copernican theory but consistent with the account given by the Ptolemaic theory.

C.      The Ptolemaic and Copernican theories, being inconsistent, cannot both be based on exactly the same evidence

D.      Numerous counterexamples were necessary in order to show the Ptolemaic theory to be false

E.       The Ptolemaic and Copernican theories, being inconsistent, cannot both be false.

答案是E, 我选了B, 我都完全不明白题跟答案是想说什么...晕



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