1,卖鱼 貌似是gwx里,因为税率的调整,城里卖鱼的利润会比郊区的卖鱼的增多,问需要判断什么来证明这个结论的有效性。 Fish costs about the same at seafood stores throughout Eastville and its surrounding suburbs. Seafodd stores buy fish from the same wholesalers and at the same prices, and other business expenses have also been about the same. But new tax breaks will substantially lower the cost of doing business within the city. Therefore, in the future, profit margins will be higher at seafood stores within the city than a suburban seafood stores. assumption Key: Seafood stores within the city will in future set prices that are lower than those at suburban stores.(确定) 2,饮料公司 饮料公司的那道题,貌似也见过,说饮料公司总是会出一些调查说明他们的产品好,因而这种调查是没有说服力的。(待补充) 3,银行审计调查 还有一道也感觉做过,说是审计调查人员会提前一个星期告诉被调查的银行要过来调查,所以被调查的公司就有充分时间来准备,因而这种调查的方法是不好的。问哪个选项支持这个argument. 我记得有个答案是被调查公司隐藏犯罪行为的时候不会留下更明显的证据。 4,Homesafe 版本1:记得的不多了,反正我觉得挺难,感觉有点像GWD的那些纠结的难题 Homesafe提供的家庭保卫装置包括初装费和月使用费两部分,Homesafe打算换一种新的保卫装置,新的比旧的初装费贵,但月使用费相等,Homesafe决定要采用新的装置,问assumption 选项有一个是Homesafe采用新装置不需要对员工进行费用过高的额外培训, 另一个是Homesafe不打算在。。。之后提高价格(偶有单词不会。。。),偶在这两个之间纠结,选了后者,因为前者有无关的嫌疑 版本2:好像也有前人说过的 ‘1. Homesafe提供的家庭保卫装置包括初装费和月使用费两部分,Homesafe打算换一种新的保卫装置,新的比旧的初装费贵,但月使用费相等,Homesafe决定要采用新的装置,问assumption Homesafe沒有計劃未來會調漲價格(不是很确定) 5,蜜蜂的眼神 (频率:3)这个更纠结,说Bee是在白天光线好的时候出去采蜜,但很多花是在twlight时开花的,于是猜测说可能是蜜蜂眼神不好,所以只能光线好的时候出去。有人argue说twlight阶段开的花颜色鲜艳等等,很容易locate,但说这个argument不会weaken猜测,因为蜜蜂眼神不好还是会找不到家。。。(就是不知道把蜜放回到哪里) 问那项可以support猜测 选项如下,偶看了N久: 喜欢在twlight时采蜜的蜜蜂眼神更不好 蜜蜂是靠smell找到家的 早晨光鲜dimmer than evening 蜜蜂在低温下不容易飞行,尤其是同时光线不好时 (倾向于最后一个,其它感觉是weaken)(确定) 6,公司的调查和计划 A survey of entrepreneurs who started companies last year shows that while virtually all did substantial preparatory research and planning, only half used that work to produce a formal business plan. Since, on average, the entrepreneurs without formal plans secured the capital they needed in half the time of those with plans, these survey results indicate that, in general, formal plans did not help the entrepreneurs who produced them to secure the capital they needed. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument? A. Companies started by entrepreneurs who had used formal business plans to attract investment were on the whole as profitable in their first year as were companies started by entrepreneurs who had not produced such plans. B. In surveys of entrepreneurs who have attempted without success to raise sufficient capital, more than half of the respondents indicate that they have produced a formal business plan. C. Among the entrepreneurs surveyed, those who did not produce formal business plans sought and received a much larger proportion of their capital from investors with whom they had a long-standing business relationship. D. The entrepreneurs surveyed who did not produce a formal business plan spent nearly as much time doing preparatory research and planning as the entrepreneurs who produced plans. E The entrepreneurs who produced business plans generally reported later that the process of writing the plan had increased their confidence that their company would succeed 7,灭火器 关于灭火器的,说市区的灭火器都旧了,要换新的,但是其实灭火器附近是不可以停车的,但是换了新的灭火器,大家守规矩地停车比列还是没有升高? 大概是这样,看不太懂 (待补充) 8,供应商的价格上升 供应商(批发级别的)出售的商品价格上升,总收入也上升,可profit却下降,要解释----当然是cost在上升. 这是出现在很前面的,所以清楚些,别的零零散散坚决不说了,以免误导,个人觉得CR最可能误导人,大家看jj时谨慎些 (待补充) 9,太阳能利用 虽然阳光能加热物体,但是利用太阳能使得建筑物冷气比使得建筑物变暖 要省能量的多。问加强。(待补充) 10,机场的计划 机场经常堵塞,使得航空公司收入下降,使得他们不敢在高峰时间安排太多的航班。机场想通过提高高峰时间的使用费用来解决这一个问题。 问推断 我选的是 这个方法不能解决问题(待补充) 11,虾米 虾在淡水和咸水的混合水里,由于大量用水,虾的数量减少了,是因为含盐量增大了。问怎么增强这个理论,我选的是每次下雨,虾的数量就会增加(确定) 12,电视游戏 Fearing competition from stores that rent video games for home use, owners of stores that sell video games lobbied for protective legislation. Citing as a precedent legislation that postpones home film rentals until one year after general release to theaters, the video sellers proposed as an equitable solution a plan that would postpone rental of any video game until it had been available for sale for one year. Which of the following, if true, would support an objection by owners of video rental stores that the fairness of the proposed legislation is not supported by the precedent cited? A. Although the daily rental fee for home use of films is generally the same as that for video games, the average rental period for a video game is longer than that for a film. B. Film rentals for home use tend to particularly strong during the first year after a film has been made available for both sale and rental at video rental stores. C. Most people are interested in playing only the latest video games and tend to find video games that have been available for over a year unappealing whether they have played them before or not, whereas films maintain their appeal far longer after their release. D. People who rent video games tend to play them by themselves, whereas people who rent films invite friends and neighbors to watch. E. A slight decline in revenues from films that have been recently released in theaters has been attributed to the growing market for rentals of films for home use. 13,计算机远程教育 学校越来越多计算机教学课程, 所以不需要老师, 某argument说老师的需求还是要的, 不会减少, 问support the argum(待补充) 14,公司福利 一个人说公司用在员工假期PARTY和Retreat的费用太多,公司利润下降,另一个人说如果减少这些费用,那些SKILLED的人就不开心.问两这之间的联系. 公司利润是否有skilled people 来决定(确定) 15,有效期 还有一道是Coupon的Expited DATE什么的,说过期的日期越长,生产商就损失的少一些,为什么___ 16,自行车销售业绩 假定题: 还有一个是说某个地方自行车的销售业绩不好, 一个销售人员为了要提高销售业绩, 决定去lobby 政府建立行车道. 偶好像选的是: 以前lobby 政府建立行车道的人都没有成功(确定) 17,煤炭业与环保 这个貌似是我遇见的唯一的鸡块。说有个地方政府给企业和居民用煤补贴,所有煤一直很便宜。现在政府想停止补贴,鼓励大家用更清洁的能源。问削弱。我选的答案是比煤便宜的(less expensive)能源污染更严重。 (1)那个小镇的市民用Coal energy的价格会上涨 (2)coal-energy的老板还是会继续用coal 产energy, 因为即使加了税, coal energy的成本还是很低 (3)fuel that is the least expensive alternative will be more polluting than coal. 我写的是(3)fuel that is the least expensive alternative will be more polluting than coal. 比煤便宜的(less expensive)能源污染更严重(确定) 18,蝙蝠 Support 题: 貌似先是说bat ,然后又说 pressure(详细的不记得了) 我好像选了一个, bat 喜欢在雨天捕食, 雨天气压的, 即使雨天能够捕食到的事物比较少. (待 19,植物和气候 . 一个科学家说: 他的计算机预测出, 以后气温会升高, 降水会减少, 所以会damage sunflower, 因为sunflower 是shallow root 的植物 另一个科学家又说: 其实不是这个样子的, 他自己的计算机预测出气温不会明显升高, 总得降水量也不会减少, 只是下小雨的频率会变小, 但是会下暴雨 好像是weaken第二个科学家的结论吧, 我选的好像是: 下暴雨只会让一些根茎比较深的植物受益.(确定,如果有直接说暴雨也会伤害浅根植物更好) 20,羊皮卷 (频率3)版本1:远古的文献,羊皮卷被发现了,由于羊皮卷记录方式只存在一个特定的时期,所以这些一定不是两个不同部落写的. 问AS, 我选的是: 羊皮不是当时所有部落通用的文献记录方式(待补充) 版本2:羊皮卷那个什么因为羊皮卷额度羊皮都是来自同一群羊 所以肯定也是同一群人写的 问假设 21,北美土人骨头 北美的土人骨头被发现了,说表现出得过一种H的病. 然后说,因为欧洲的殖民者是在这种人死后500年才来的,所以虽然欧洲人也得这种病,但这病就一定不是欧洲人传给这些土人的. (但是他們沒有cause the disease to spread) 问 AS ? weaken:我选虽然这病以前有,但是欧洲人来了后把环境搞得适合它扩散了。(如果是繁体的那段问题,此题确定) 我選: European invasion使得生活環境容易傳染該疾病 選項A是北美及南美在歐洲人入侵之前都有H病的記錄 22,打疫苗 Explain: 流感。老人容易得到流感並且去逝,去年流感的時候,老人通通都接種流感疫苗。但今年醫生建議讓兒童接種流感疫苗 我選:兒童比較不注意衛生,很容易帶菌且傳播 选儿童由于不是很注意卫生,很容易带上这种细菌的病原体.(确定) 23,南北部工人存款 在B市a larger percentage of 南部的工作人员得了bonus than 北部的工作人员. 而且a larger percentage of南部得奖的人save money than 北部得奖的人员.therefore, 南部存钱的人一定比北部存钱的人多, 因为________ 我选 南北部工作人员的数量一样 (确定) 24,oil生产 说oil 的盛产过量所以车间打算用它转换做一个什么什么来做能量. 有人说这个计划不COST-EFFECTIVE因为转换所需要的花费比市场上那种能量的单价还要贵 问weaken 我選:這些工廠都在很偏遠的地方,從suppliers那裏購買的運費非常的昂貴(推荐) 25,考古发现工具 说考古学家发现一些TOOL什么的,每个都不怎么同…..然后考古学家认为这是小孩子做的因为专家会做一些统一的TOOL而不是每个规格不同的. 问知道什么可以很好的EVALUATE. (待补充) 26,Clay中含沙 在一个BASIN里面发现一些CLAY是BASIN本身的rock行程的.有16million年的历史什么的.不过也发现这些CLAY里面有一种sand很像是另一个A地区的物质,所以推论16million年前某条河是从A流过来的…. 问加强. 我选的是更古老的CLAY中也含有这种相似的沙.比较确定,因为其他几个选择大多说的是更年轻的clay有这种沙 明显不大对….(确定) 27. 警察局抓人 GWD原题是BF这里要消弱since the officers’ time spent obtaining approval is largely wasted.这个观点 An arrest made by a Midville police officer is provisional until the officer has taken the suspect to the police station and the watch commander has officially approved the arrest. Such approval is denied if the commander judges that the evidence on which the provisional arrest is based is insufficient. A government efficiency expert has found that almost all provisional arrests meet standards for adequacy of evidence that watch commanders enforce. The expert therefore recommends that the watch commander’s approval should no longer be required since the officers’ time spent obtaining approval is largely wasted. This recommendation should be rejected as dangerous, however, since there is no assurance that the watch commanders’ standards will continue to be observed once approval is no longer required. (待补充) 28. 学校发卡 一个学校的食堂打算用一种刷卡的形式替代现金,这样小朋友的钱比较不容易被偷。。问削弱。 我好像选的是小朋友还是会在学校外面的餐馆消费之类的。(确定) 29,art的新发明 貌似是虽然现在artists新发明一种判断art还是什么的方法,但是art historians不敢用,怕被批评还是怕出错,问原因。填空(待补充) 30,牛肉 有一道CR,好像我做过差不多的。是牛肉的价格上涨了,但是为什么农民的利润没有增加 |