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[转帖]4.18 北京(下午)M50 V3* 7**


AA. 52: “The construction last year of a shopping mall in downtown Oak City was a mistake. Since the mall has opened, a number of local businesses have closed, and the downtown area suffers from an acute parking shortage, and arrests for crime and vagrancy have increased in the nearby Oak City Park. Elm City should pay attention to the example of the Oak City mall and deny the application to build a shopping mall in Elm City.”

AI. 62. “What education fails to teach us is to see the human community as one. Rather than focus on the unique differences that separate one nation from another, education should focus on the similarities among all people and places on Earth.”









1. 火车由80提到125那题:说提速也没用,因为以前的铁轨只能承受80的速度,所以对于整个时间的影响不大。然后说削弱:我选的是:因为火车需要在站于站之间维护,而新技术让这个维护的频率降低了。

2. 还有就是员工去开药的问题:广告(文中用的使Ad这个词)吸引人,很多员工就去买ad上面的药,所以公司花了很多医疗费用。公司就说,如果员工开的药比正常价格贵,那么员工就得自己付多出来的部分。分析家说:这种方法长远来看会使公司的医疗费用增加。问为什么分析家这么预测。挺好选的,不误导了。

3. department heads那道,不过换成填空了

4. 猫当宠物那个

5. 用电子邮件发广告广告,就算只有千分之一的人respond,商家也能获利。但是对于其他没有买的人,就是nuisance。所以respond这种广告邮件是social irresponsible的。问assumption


1. Taylor

2. PLC

3. Wagtail

4. wind影响earth rotation——这篇我基本没看,因为时间太TM紧张了  图片点击可在新窗口打开查看


说什么鸟住在水附近,它们wagtail,然后说为什么鸟们会wagtail的原因还不清楚。说如果仅仅是为了flushing insects的话,那么很多鸟不preeding时候也就不应该wagtail了。然后就举出了white wagtail的例子。wagging was not restricted to situations in which the wagtail had seen a predator and needed to inform it that it had been seen or that the bird was vigilant or able to escape because it occurred almost continuously during preening and feeding. In addition, during the videotaping no approach of a raptor was recorded. As wagging does not seem to be restricted to direct encounters between wagtails and predators, it may be directed to predators that ambush their prey. Predators may make absolute judgements about the level of vigilance in a group of prey or compare vigilance levels between individuals, and then approach and attack the less vigilant prey. However, opportunistic predators such as sparrowhawks do not prefer to attack nonvigilant rather than vigilant prey. Cresswell et al. (2003) suggested that if predators show preferences, they might do so on the basis of cues more complex than posture alone. Wagging could be such a cue...



1. 对于white wagtail来讲,哪两个动作是同时发生的——细节题,同学们注意看一下说到white wagtail摇尾巴那块儿。大概在这段文章的中间部分吧


PLC的那个,文章比较长:大概1.5个满屏吧。题目有一道说的是第一句中的前2个词(好像是什么management theorists之类的,忘了具体的了),说这个词描述的人们会同意一下哪句话——我的建议:第一段,特别是前2句话,仔细看看,因为记得至少有2道题都是第一段里面的,虽然第一段很短。





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