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5.4 上海水过

和chris_shah是一起去的 过程差不多 看了他的签经 问题比他水一些

也是白人胖叔叔面的 好人呐

ME: Good afternoon, sir.

VO: So you go to Brandeis to

ME: (抢说)Yeah, I will go to Brandeis to pursue my master degree.

VO:OK, so you gonna study economic?

ME: Acturally, the program's name is Internation Economic and Finance, The I-20 form just wrote internatonal economic for short.

VO: So why do you want to study internaition ecomomic.

ME: This program has three concentration , intertional economic policy, international business and international finance. I choose internation finance.

Vo: What will you do after graduation.

ME: Go back to China to pursue my career in fiannce industry. In financial institution or fund management corporation

Vo: Who will pay for your study.

ME: I haveTution Waive Scholarship from Brandeis and my parents paid for the rest.

VO: What do your parents do?

ME: My father is ........My mother is .............Both have great job and earn decent salary. I have certificate of deposit, do you wanna see it?

VO: No, I don't need it. Your visa is approved. Good luck in USA. 

ME: Thank you very much, sir


等待的时候和旁边一个F2的姐姐聊天,他老公是UVA的统计PHD全奖,那姐姐带了一大包东西,什么5年的QQ MSN聊天记录打印出来 往来书信 照片之类的 之恩爱啊 大饱眼福了

还有人拖了个大拖箱 满满一大箱的签证资料 气势上直接把VO压制了

签证也是众生百态啊 不错的经历


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