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in order to,问举这个造笔厂的例子的作用是啥?说明这种成本计算法的不足和缺陷。

如果用实际成本actual cost来定价,则这些笔的profit变化怎样?

选项有:1.蓝笔会获得less profit2.粉笔会获得less profit3,所有笔都会获得less profit4,所有笔的profit都不变。(注意cost、定价和profit三者关系的部分)

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many thanks @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


many  thanks @!


第一段讲科学家发现一个B..-A的化学物质会产生miscarriege 和abortion的效果,这个化学物质主要来自于塑料瓶。。
第三段开始的时候建议说因此孕妇也应该不喝塑料瓶的水,避免影响胎儿。 however, 有人在另一种rodent animal上面做了实验,发现这个B..A对rodent animal不产生影响,所以这个建议是无用的;但是(注意作者又转折了)作者说不同量的B...A会产生不同的影响,所以对rodent没影响对人不一定没影响什么的(这里记忆极度模糊,慎用!)


关于taxicab的,说的是颁布了一个有关taxicab的法,可是人们觉得这个法让taxi的service下降了,原因是good driver deserve better salary,good driver有好的service什么的(具体关系记不清了,反正就是pay,driver,service绕来绕去的两句话,没绕明白也没关系)。(这里出了考题,说人们觉得怎么样,service就会提高。选项里面只有一个和钱有关的,就选它)。然后作者说其实这也不尽然,举了某个地方的例子,证明颁布这个法令和service也没什么关系。后来又说可能是什么和什么(忘记了)影响了service。 还考到了主旨题,还有一个题问作者态度还是什么的,定位就是文章最后一句。


第一段:讲海洋里有个sea butterfly,总要抓一个虾在它背上, 然而抓了这个虾在他背上以后,会影响它的mobility,不易抓住pray,在predator出现的时候跑得慢。那它为什么抓这个虾呢?这引起了科学家的好奇。
第二段:然后科学家做个试验,把这个 sea butterfly的predator和它以及这个虾放在一个池子里,发现这个predator不会攻击这个sea butterfly。发现原来它背上的这个东西会发出一种细菌(还是别个)来抑制其predator的攻击行为。
第三段:然后说他们的这个relationship 不是以及广为人知的parasitism(寄生共生), commensalism(互利共生),还有个无关共生(英文记不得了)。parasitism是一方是以另一方的伤害一次收益,commensalism是说双方相互获利,那个无关共生说他们的存在对彼此不造成影响(neutral)然后解释了下这三个的关系。然后说这个鱼和他背上的这个虾的这种关系不属于这三个范畴类,应该是个Antagonistic symbiosis,然后说了下为什么不属于parasitism 和无关共生。这个sea butterfly和 decorator crabs还不一样,crab 随便捡周围有的东西,而sea butterfly 只捡这个虾。因为那个鱼把虾子背在背上,但是没有伤害它,不过由于虾子被背在背上,它就不能feed了。 而研究者发现,这个鱼背的虾都是活的,说明它过段时间就换个虾子。


1、        主旨题:全文应该是解释了一种phenomenon

2、        第一段H鱼把S背在背上,导致了什么结果?  H鱼的移动速度和找食物变慢,

3、        HS组合不是这三种分类,能推出什么? 一个获利,另一个不受伤害

4、        结构题:最后一段(第三段)的作用是什么? 要特别注意第三段,考了两题

The nature of this relationship is puzzling. It is difficult to discern辨别 how carrying another organism around can be advantageous. We speculated that in fact, amphipods无脊椎动物 must be considerably slowed down. By carefully measuring the swimming speeds of amphipods with and without sea butterflies, we found that amphipods carrying sea butterflies moved only half as quickly as similarly sized solitary amphipods. The situation simply made no sense. In reducing their mobility, the amphipods became more vulnerable易受攻击的 to predators and less adept at capturing prey. Why, then, would amphipods go out of their way to abduct and carry sea butterflies?
Our experiments clearly demonstrated that something about the sea butterflies was repelling抑制 the fish, and we suspected that this deterrence was chemical. To find out, we conducted a second set of feeding experiments.  We homogenized the sea butterflies and mixed the homogenate with fish-meal powder to make food pellets. As a control, we also made food pellets containing just the fish-meal powder. We offered both the experimental and the control pellets to fish, which always ate the control pellets and always rejected the pellets containing the homogenate. This provided compelling evidence that compounds might be responsible for the feeding chemical deterrence.
Our experiments demonstrated to us that the sea butterflyC. antarctica synthesizes a deterrent substance that the amphipod H. dilatata exploits for its own protection. This unique association - the abduction of one species by another - is unprecedented in the annals of behavioral and chemical ecology. Some decorator crabs are chemical ecology known to cover their uppercarapace with a variety of objects, including the occasional sponge that might harbor defensive chemistry. But this appears to be a nonselective behavior.Crabs haphazardly decorate themselves with whatever is at hand.
The association between the sea butterfly and the amphipodfalls within the definition of symbiosis共生, where two dissimilar species live together in an intimate association. However, none of the relationships defined within the broad context of symbiosis - parasitism, comensalism or mutualism -appear to suitably describe the sea butterfly-amphipod relationship.
Parasitism寄生 implies that one species associates with another to the detriment伤害of one of them. Often, the parasite feeds off the tissues or body fluids of its host. Mutualism共生describes a relationship where both species benefit from the association.Commensalism describes organisms that live in benign and neutral中立or良性association with one another. Neither of the latter two interactions appropriately describes what we have observed, and parasitism provides only a very weak analogy to it. We feel that a new term might be needed to describe the "antagonistic symbiosis" that seems to describe most accurately this unique interaction.
寄生:一个伤害另一个,吃对方组织和体液。共生:双方都获利。commensalism共栖:中立,互相不干扰。实际(如果加上下一段的文章):一个获利,另一个间接受害,若没有下面这段,得看选项怎么说了.网上的定义是the association is disadvantageous or destructive to one of the organisms, but ordinarily it is used of cases where the association is advantageous, or often necessary, to one or both, and not harmful to either.
In this association the antagonist benefits greatly from the relationship. Remember that the amphipod must sacrifice its mobility and speed. Clearly the defense it acquires offsets these drawbacks. The sea butterfly, on the other hand, is at the mercy of the amphipod. While it is being carried around, it cannot feed to sustain its energy


星系群galaxy cluster
第一段,有一个galaxy cluster,她不断地发X光,科学家就觉得她马上就会cooler,然后形成一个什么东东,但是她始终在发热,木有变成那个东东
第二段,科学家发现,那个galaxy cluster里面有两个d物质,是他们在源源不断地发热
第四段,这个galaxy果然有黑洞~但是这个理论不完善因为有的galaxy cluster没有黑洞


第一层:有个现象,就是水在一根真空管子里面可以到34feet高,不过一旦超过就会break down
第二层:虽然伽利略familiar with亚里士多德对这个提出来的论点:dislike 真空,但是伽利略不知道怎么解释为什么dislike,然后他就假设可能是因为……(和一些东西做类比)但其实这个类比也是不对的。
第三层:伽利略虽然知道air有weight,但是没有考虑到。另一个人B. Baliani提出了这个观点

第一段:关于真空vacuum,亚里士多德(A)认为“natural dislike vacuum,water occupy vacuum”。伽利略(G)部分认同A这话(有题,关于A和G话),但是认为空气是有重量的,有力在支撑水柱,缺憾的是G没有研究水面的大气压力。


a)        主旨题:a series of scientists 不断找寻某答案的过程

b)        第一段高亮“伽利略关G于亚里士多德A理论的发言”这句话的作用?认为他误导了伽利略,导致伽利略从dislike 真空这个方面考虑,没有考虑到空气重量,这题非常不确定
c)        Except题:下面那个因素不影响pump抽水的效果/高度? 井的宽度 well’s width

d)        A、G和T这三个人的理论之间的关系?(或伽利略和A、T理论的区别是?)

Galileo’s parti non quante seem to account for his curious physical treatment of vacua. His attention had been directed to failure of suction pumps and siphons for columns of water beyond a fixed height. He accounted for this by treating water as a material having its own limited tensile strength, on the analogy of rope or copper wire, which will break of its own weight if sufficiently long. The cohesion of matter seemed to him best explained by the existence of minute vacua. Not only did he fail to suggest the weight of air as an explanation of the siphon phenomena, but he rejected that explanation when it was clearly offered to him in a letter by G. B. Baliani. Yet Galileo was not only familiar with the weight of air; he had himself devised practicable methods for its determination, set forth in this same book, giving even the correction for the buoyancy of the air in which the weighing was conducted.


新老观点并提出解释,讲vertebrate怎么evolve legs。
第一段:Fish 先cross dry land 再evolve legs,鱼长四肢是由于水干了,不得不从一个地方搬到另一个水域去。有化石fossil为证
第二段:但是,a new finding of fossils of S(一种鱼) 显示,fish evolve legs in aquatic conditions. 鱼的四肢是在水里进化出的
第三段:解释为什么,讲了limb 的作用,可以帮助它们从水里探头出来呼吸


steam engine蒸汽机
第一段先说有些把资源的大量损耗归结为传统的steam engine,所以建议开发新的更省资源的。


举W瓦特蒸汽机的例子作用是? 推测:反对派用来支持自己的观点呗



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