1Arboreal Element
A。。。(反正一个元素)导致树叶光和作用的(又说什么 温度降低 叶子颜色变浅 文章里头有UV线照射之类的)
某个数学模型 预测种族灭绝的 有2个缺陷 有2个不确定性导致模型不准确
3Benchmarking(4段) 第一段开头讲 Benchmarking的概念 第一段后面讲第一个分类 第二段 和第三段分别讲了第二、三个分类 第四段 开头用了However 有了转折...
4Huricane Dropwindsonde
还有一篇是说探测风暴的,说有了一个飞行器可以到台风中心去探测风速,得到了一些数据,并且小 小解释了一下这些数据和它的用处什么的;后来说这个方法不是很完美(不确定),说探测的数据和传统理论有出入(小解了一下传统理论)然后是科学家们提出了 四点的解释.......
又想起来一篇阅读是写hurricane dropwindsonde的,一个测量方法之类的,就是有很多数据,写不同高度测量的到的速度不一样。后面的记不清了,刚去GOOGLE上发现没有原文。这里贴出来一小段是跟原文由关的,就当不充背景知识吧,原文除了这段还写了不通高度不同距离之间风速的区别;一下是GOOGLE的背景资料:
Since 1997, forecasters have used Global Positioning System dropwindsondes, a measuring device dropped from hurricane reconnaissance aircraft into the eyewall—the windiest part of the hurricane. The sonde system measures temperature, barometric pressure, water vapor, and wind data every 15 feet on its way down.
This new method gave meteorologists an important glimpse into the true strength of these devastating storms. The analyses of the dropwindsonde data indicated that, on average, the maximum sustained surface-wind speed was about 90 percent of the wind speed measured at the 10,000-foot aircraft level flown as Andrew approached south Florida. In 1992 Andrew's wind speed was estimated at 75 to 80 percent of the aircraft observations. The research findings resulted in an increase in the estimated wind speeds of Hurricane Andrew from 145 mph to 165 mph.
Read more: Hurricanes - average, low, world, high, days, Hurricane and tropical storm season, Portrait of a hurricane, Hurricane casualties, The nations worst weather disaster http://www.weatherexplained.com/Vol-1/Hurricanes.html#ixzz0Z0lycETb |