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Boston College (Carroll) Essay&Deadlines 2011-2012

MBA Full-TimeNovember 1, 2011
Round 1
January 15, 2012

January 15, 2012
Round 2
March 15, 2012

March 15, 2012
Round 3
May 1, 2012

April 15, 2012
Round 4
June 1, 2012

All applications submitted and complete by the deadline are guaranteed a decision by the corresponding notification date. Please see our application requirements to review what constitutes a complete application.
We accept applications after the deadline(s) on a rolling basis. There is no corresponding notification date for late applications. They are reviewed in the order they are received.Status Communication
Within ten business days of receipt of your application, we will confirm via e-mail that we have received it. This e-mail will also contain the information and password needed in order to access your application status electronically.
This page is available 24 hours a day and reflects the current status of your application. It is updated continuously, but it may take up to ten business days for information to be posted once we receive it.
Two personal essays are required:
1. Define long term success in your specific area of interest. How have your previous experiences prepared you for this professional career? What specific short-term career objectives have you set to assist you in achieving your long-term career plans? (2 pages)
2. Why have you selected the MBA program in the Carroll School of Management at Boston College? (1 page)
A third essay is optional and you may use it to present any additional information you would like the Committee to consider.
The Admissions Committee requires evaluations from individuals who can provide an objective and frank appraisal of your capacity for intensive graduate study and your potential for professional success. Recommendation forms must be completed online. After providing your recommender's contact information, click "send notification to recommender." Your recommender will receive an e-mail with a secure link and password to complete the recommendation online. Once your recommender completes the online form, you will receive a verification e-mail.

We do not accept faxed, mailed, or emailed recommendations

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