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代词95%为错,情态动词 永远不错,first 划线永远对,虚拟语气不考。

1 先找句子的分段点(即连词,分词,介词和标点符号)将句子分成记几段,选择要看的那部分句子,即只关注与空格相关的那部分句子。
句法:{①简单句: S+V
②并列句: 分句+并列 句子+;句子+。 并列句划为简单句 :句子,and/all/but+句子。
③复合句: 主句+从句 划为简单句
2 简化句子
简化原则:①adv/数/冠可以划掉 ②介词短语可以划掉 ③修饰名词的adj/n可以划掉 ④ 做状语的分词短语可以划掉 ⑤ 与空格无关的句子可以很划掉 p65-5/8
3 分析句子结构,判断空格中所缺的句子成分。捷径:可直接套用句型和结构 p53-14 ,倒装句答案的首字母为系动词或助动词p92-14 * ——+n为There be 句型p210-7
4 区分四选项,结合句意和语感确定答案。

插入语 定语从句或省略的定语从句 定语从句中主和系可以同时省略 which+be/that+be/who+be 可以省略 ①定语从句②n③adj短语/分词短语/介词
1 语法与句意并重,一定要通读全句(做题思想)。
2 一边读句意,一边思考划线部分的语法知识点是否正确。
3 熟悉掌握各种错误类型。
4 做题 ABCD要看全,选择一个最明显的错误,最好有明确的理由。

一 主句专一结构 1-2
※ 句子,句子。 为错 任何句子只有一个主句,句子之间必须有连词。
※ 任何从句都是正常语序。
二 谓语专一结构 3-4
※ 主谓……谓…… 错
三 平行结构 5-6
X and Y
X ,Y and Z 各元素必须一致 to do ,do and do 。 be done ,done and done。
※ ——,——,and——。
四 what 结构 7-8
(1)what =the thing that =all that thing 由句意定
7 中what =the corp that 8 中what =the place that
(2)what 在前后句中必须同时做成分 what =the thing that
(3)n+what 错 n+the thing that √
※prep+what+SVO 错 what →which √
(4)what 引导的句子等于一个名词,可以做主语,宾语,表语。
(5)what is now 永远对,是可有可无的插入语 例:8,p211-13,p227-11
(6)what 90%以上的出题形式 ① prep——V ② Vt——V
whatever = anything what whoever = anyone who
(7)what little,what few
what little = the little ……that
五 prep + which 结构 9-10
which 做为关系代词,只可用于引导从句,且在从句中必须做主语或宾语。
※which +不完整句
※prep + which +完整句 句子+ prep + which +句子
※句子——句子。 优先选择 prep +which/in that
定语从句 :S+Vt+n+that/which+不完整句
六 in that 结构
只要出现就是答案 in that =because 连词 引导原因状语从句,但不能位于句首。
※句子+in that +句子。√
七 同位语结构 13-17
同位语 {主语→n 说明或解释主语或宾语的某一属性或特征。
① 主语同位语,主谓宾 。 即, n,SVO。 位于句首的孤立名词只能是同位语。 13
② 主语,主语同位语,谓宾。即,S,n ,VO 。
③ 主语同位语+主谓宾。
① 主语+谓语+宾语,+宾语同位语。即,SVO,n。位于句尾的孤立名词必是宾语同位语不定式。
※adv + 同位语 √
② 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语同位语
八 adj的并列结构 18-19
九 比较结构 20-23
X play tennis better than ①Y 省略性
②Y does 对称性
③ does Y 倒装性
※优先选择 that/those/the one , 一定不选 it/them ,比较对象一定要有范围。
比较结构 than 可以倒装,可以不倒装。p52-10
比较结构中,相对谓语可省,尤其是be 动词常省。
十 定语从句 24-25
1 定语从句中,主+系可以同时省略,即,that +be/which+be/who +be 可同时省略。
※新题中难题常与which +be 省略
2 定语从句中,如that/which 做宾语时可以省略,S+Vt+n+that /which+SVt。
※ ……n1+n2……+Vt

3 定语从句中的特殊省略
(1)……the way (in which )+句子
(2)……the time (when /that)+句子
(3)…… the reason (why/that)+句子
十一 状语从句的省略结构 28-29
※省略条件 (1)特殊的状语从句引导词 Although ,Though ,Even though ,when ,while ,if ,as 。
(2) 从句必须为主系表结构 (3)从句主语与主句主语一致
省略方式:可以同时省略主+系 Although(主+系),主谓宾。
十二 宾语从句结构 26-27
indicate ,state,等Vt 后常考that 引导的宾语从句,即 ,S+Vt+that +SVO。
看见这些词就向后找that ,
词:indicate ,state , demonstrate ,find ,estimate ,show ,hold ,insist,say ,tell , believe , think ,learn , mean ,know 。 划线的that可以省略
十三 doing 结构 30-31
doing {动名词 ≈n 做句子主语或宾语
{分词 ≈adj/adv 做定语或状语
※ ——复n +单数V 。优先选择 doing Doing +复n +单数V 。
十四 make 结构 32-33
make +宾语+宾补
↓ ↓
n/代词 n/adj
(1)make +n1+n2 p210-8
(2)make +n/代词+adj p52-6 p18-11
(3)make it possible { to do sth
↓ {that + 句子
(4) make sth possible √ ※ make possible sth (长宾语) √ p307-10
十五 the more ……the more 34-35
标准句式:The more S+V ,the more S+V 。
(Ⅰ)对称性:结构中的n 前必须有限定词。
※ the more the + n ,the more the + n。优先选择
(Ⅲ)倒装性:the more S + V ,the more S +V 。
条件状语从句 只有第二个the more可以倒装
十六 表结果的伴随状语结构 36-37 p182-11
SVO,doing …… SVO ,thus/thereby +doing……
※ thus/thereby 后面不一定接doing
十七 adj系表作后置定语结构 38-39
equal to similar to
n1 + (adj+prep+n2) ※ 当adj短语做后置定语修饰 n时,等价于定语从句的省略。
↓ ↓
省略 which be 形容词短语
语序: food high in fat leaves rich in sugar p183-14
※ n1+ (-er +than +n2) p169-3

which +be
十八 adj最高级的省略结构 40-41
the + adj最高级 + 单数 n + of + 复数 n
※ 单数 n必须省略
the + adj最高级+ of + 复数 n
the + {① n }of
{② 最高级 }
the + adv/V/-ed 错
the + adj原级 + of √ p66-25/32
a + 单数可数 n + of p79-28 p93-40 p118-27
十九 不规则动词的过去式 42-43
set set set spread spread spread cost cost cost
二十 倒装结构 44-49
(Ⅰ) 否定adv位于句首引起倒装 44
Not only ,Not untill,hardly ,scarcely ,rarely ,seldom ,No sooner …… later .
Not untill (prep)+时间+主谓倒装。
Not untill(连词)+句子(正常语序)+主谓倒装。
(Ⅱ) only only +状语位于句首 45
only{adv recently
{状语从句 when +句子
{prep+n in recent years
(Ⅲ)adj/分词短语位于句首倒装 46
adj +prep+n +系V+主语
※Typical of ,characteristic of
分词+prep +n+系V+主语 p131-15
※coinciding with +n
(Ⅳ)So 位于句首 (So ……that ) 47
主语+be +So +adj + that +句子
So +adj +be + 主语+ that +句子
(Ⅴ)表地点,范围的介词短语位于句首, 且谓语动词为系动词时引起倒装。 48- 49
常考的介词短语:Among ,between ,in ,at ,beneath
常考的系动词: be ,lie ,exist ,remain , rest
(Ⅵ)比较结构中,than 后面可以倒装也可以不倒装。
(Ⅶ)As位于句中,类似于So。David is a good teacher,as are his family.
二十一 规则动词的过去分词作后置定语结构 50-52
We called him bush . 主动, 过去式 ,谓语
He was called bush . 被动,过去分词,谓语
A boy called bush was …… 被动,过去分词,后置定语
{主动 →过去式 过去分词{有be时谓语
{被动→过去分词 {无be时后置定语
①先从逻辑上判断 n ,-ed 的主被动关系.
②主动为过去式,谓语; 如果为被动,则为过去分词,后置定语.
二十二 逻辑主语结构 53-56
①(n)Doing ……,SVO.
②(with/without) n1+doing ……, n2+VO ;n1+ done ……,n2 +VO.
Although +doing ……,SVO. If + done ……,SVO.
prep +n,SVO. p104-10 讲义p4-55
(n)To do ……,SVO.
Although to do ,SVO.和 If to do ,SVO. 为错. 位于句首的不定式,不可接状语从句的引导词.
※ when to do 只可作主语/宾语,不可做状语.
when to do ,SVO. 错
SVO+when to do ……. 错
二十三 宾补结构 57-60
某些 Vt接宾语后句意不完整,必须加n/adj来补充说明,这个n/adj就为宾补。
appoint ,call , elect ,consider ,make ,name ,
elect {主动:sb/sth elect sb/sth
{被动:sb be elected {(1)具体职务 (2)+to+机构 (3)to the office of +职务
consider {主动:S+consider +n1+(to be )+n2/adj
{被动:n1+be consodered +(to be)+n2/adj
※consider +n1+n2 优先选择
name {主动: sb /sth name sb/sth
{被动:sb be named sth
bring sth to sb/sw →bring to sw sth
bring sth together →bring together sth
bring sth to light →bring to light sth
二十四 it 结构 61-63
※ ——n . 选主+谓,优先选there +be ,不选 it is /they are.
(Ⅰ)强调句型 :It is/was +被强调部分+that /who +其余部分.
②强调人that /who均可,其余用that。
③如果后面的句子为过去时态为was ,其余用is。
※——who……. ——that……. 优先选择it is /was +□
形式主语: It +be +adj/分词 + to do sth /that +句子
形式宾语: S+ Vt+ it + adj /分词 + to do sth/that +句子
S + make it possible to do sth /that + 句子
二十五 which 引导定语从句的三种情形 64-67
(Ⅰ)S +Vt +n+which +SVt/VtO ※which 不一定指最近的n。
(Ⅱ)S+Vt+ n+prep +which +SVO.
※……prep +which +VO. 错
……prep +which +to do 也可以做后置定语修饰名词,完全等于定语从句。
(Ⅲ)S +Vt+n,n/数 + of which +VtO.
SVO,both/each/all/some/half/ten percent/three quarters of which + VO.
二十六 双谓语结构 68-72
① 主语从句引导词+主语从句 V1 +……+V2…….
↑从句V ↑主句V
结构特征:两个谓语直接在一起,第一反应为主语从句,即, 主语从句引导词 +SVO+VO.
②Doing +宾语从句引导词 +宾语从句 V1+……+V2…….
③ n of (what V1+ ……)+V2.
二十七 双宾语结构 73-74
①gain ,win ,earn . sth gain /win /earn sb sth
②give ,grant. sth give sth sth . sb/sth grant sb/sth sth .
③name,appoint,call,elect ,make,consider. ※ Vt+n1+n2. √
④persuade,tell. sb tell sb that + 句子. sb persuade sb that + 句子.
二十八 三句子结构 75-76
①必须有两个conj.②两个conj可以在一起. 句子,but(when + 句子,句子.) √ p291-8
※ 有conj的句子划掉.
二十九 such as 结构 77
(Ⅰ) such + 复数n + as + 例子
(Ⅱ)复数n + such as + 例子
what/how/wether + to do/ 句子 what to do/ how to do it
※ S + Vt + n 90%定语从句

一 名词
名词 做定语的单复数问题 1-11
1. 名词做定语 即: n1修饰 n2,n1作单数.
a twenty four hour period √
例外 : a savings bank √
a systems engineering √
a greetings card √
a communications satellite √
2. man/woman 当修饰 n 时,其单复数随 n 变. a woman boxer →a women boxers
3.a chemical lab →a chemisty lab √
a physics student √
1. many →复数 n much →不可数 n
many are /by many many 可为代词
2. some/any 可数/不可数均可 单数/复数均可
3. few/a few little/a little few + n 错 (a)few + n 复数 √
4. every/each 单数可数名词 each ten boys every four years
5. another/other/anyother
another + 单数名词 other + 复数名词 anyother + 单数名词
6. 数量词 =数词 + 量词
hunderd/thousand/million five thousand places thousands of pieces 一亿本书 : hunderd million books
7. one of /among of + 复数 n
8. a number of + 复数n +复数V
the number of +复数n +单数V
9. 数词 /several + 复数 n
five spacecraft several settings several + n复数
10. various /numerous/diverse + 复数 n
11. first/single/only 单复数都可
first :the first school 第一所 the first schools 第一批
single: a single + 单数 n no single rooms
only: the only university the only universities
唯一 → no other
1. 常考的不可数名词
furniture luggage clothing equipment poetry jewelry machinery weaponry scenery information knowledge homework
evidence foliage advertising health
A : 流体 air water
B: 颗粒状物体 rice salt
C: 抽象名词 information
D: 总称名词 poetry machinery
E: 疾病不可数 diabetes糖尿病 measles麻疹
F: 自然现象 rain drops
G:学科不可数 mathematics economics statistics physics politics mechanics genetics geology geography chemistry
philosophy biology history
man/men woman/women tooth/teeth foot/feet goose/geese basis/bases analysis/analyses crisis/crises
hypothesis/hypotheses axis/axes alga/algae larva/larvae fungus/fungi stimulus/stimuli datum/data bacterium/bacteria
medium/media spectrum/spectra mouse/mice child/children phenomenon/phenomena radius/radii
aircraft spacecraft series species means sheep deer bison salmon trout carp
4. 常考的可数名词
discovery cloud mineral metal substance population effort effect animal plant mammal insect tree herb shrub
element function feature picture result clue star reason audience device structure human human being
system fashion resource source origin pioneer automobile purpose style response number amount
variety quantity type kind influence emotion change
5. 即可数又不可数的名词
sugar , cloth , water , detail , paper ,work , light , science ,form , interest , art , area ,color , disease , illness , rock , stone ,
matter , food , culture ,noise , liquid , solid , gas , climate , film ,material , population , temperature , experience ,speech ,use
time , life , action , activity , study
rock(砂岩) rocks(块岩) work(工作,作品) works(著作) paper(纸) papers(论文,报告,文件)
area(面积) areas(地区,区域) time(时间) times(次数) room(空间) rooms(房间) water(水) waters(水域)
collections由同一种物品构成,可数 his three collections of short stories
collection 由不同种物品构成,不可数 his art collection
可数/不可数 :①有无数的概念②抽象/具体 advertisment 广告 可数 advertising 广告业 不可数
二 冠词 12-23
(一) 不定冠词 (a/an) ,划线 80%错
1. a与an的混用 (发音而非字母) a university , a unique , an understanding , an undergraduate , an emotion , an element ,
an oyster , an outstanding , an hour ,an honest
※an herb
2. a/an与复数名词的混用 a/an + adj + nS 去S
3. 固定词组中a的遗漏
a series of , a set of , a piece of , a kind of , a group of , a list of , a wide rang of , a collection of , a variety of , a wealth of
4. 单数可数名词前必须有限度词
限定词: ①冠词②形容词性物主代词③所有格④指示代词⑤不定代词
规律: ①介词+单数可数名词为错 p213-39 p245-36/38/40 ②V+单数可数名词为错 p132-38
※part词永远不错 ※表示职务,身份,亲属关系的名词,可以单独使用
③All cells differ widely in function .
"in + 单数n" 可以表示在某一行业,方面,领域. in size ,in shape ,in color , in stage , in medical science
④表种类的名词后所接的n可以单独使用 p53-29 a kind of car
⑤固定词组中的n可以单独使用. on horseback in response of in honor of
(二) 定冠词
1.表示"独一无二"的事物,通常加the. the sun ,the room , (the) earth , the summer palace
2. adj 最高级只有做前置定语修饰名词时,才必须加the. 陷阱:most的非最高级用法一定不加 the.
3. 序数词只有做前置定语修饰 n 时, 才必须加the .
考点 :年代,排序 Utah ranks first among A is second only to B (仅次于)
4. 表示"开始""结束"时加the .the begining ,the end
5. 表示"人体"或"普通人". 人体 the human body 普通 the average person the common person
6. 城市名,国家名,地名前面通常不加the. in Pairs =in the city of Pairs the united states(联合名词例外)
7. 河流,湖泊,海洋前加the.
8. nature前通常不加the. ①自然界 in nature ② …… of nature 本质的,源于内心的 fath of nature
9. history ①泛指 "在历史上"in history②特指"某种历史" in the history of new oriental
10. 气体前通常不加the.学科,元素前不加the.
①adj"大多数的",修饰n. most + n(复数n/不可数) most mammals most前不加the
②代词"大多数" most of + n (复数n/不可数/单数n) most of the mammals
③adv修饰adj/adv表示最高级. the most beautiful girl
④adv修饰adj/adv表示最高级. a most beautiful girl a most = very
⑤most与mostly区别. great/greatly
most : adj/adv/代词 修饰n/adj/adv.
mostly : adv修饰V/prep
12. 乐器前加the. play the piano play erhu(二胡)
三 代词 24-32 代词划线95%错
①名词前应该使用所有格. ※双宾语结构例外
③self"自我"n →哲学.生理学. self出现永远错.
it/those , he/they , its/them , one/those ,that/these ,himself/themselves ,it/they
3.them与those的区别 it/the one 的区别 them/it 特指 those/the one 泛指
4.代词的性别的混用 his/her, himself/herself
5.代词的人与物的混用 it/he
who 指代人 who 人,主格
which 指代物 whom 人, 宾格
that 指代人,物 whose 人,物 所有格
※who/which who/whose
从句引导词: ①代词性 what ,who ,which, that ,whom 在从句中做成分,接不完整句
②非代词性 if , because ,why,that 在从句中不做成分,接完整句
that用法: ①关系代词,用于定语从句中 S+Vt + n + that + 不完整句
②连接副词 ,用于主,宾,表,同位语从句 that + 完整句
②定语从句中,that + be可同时省略
③宾语从句中,某些 Vt后可省略 believe ,think ,know ,hear ,say ,see ,be told ,understand ,presume,suppose
who + n 错 which +SVO 错 prep + which + VO 错 when + n(孤立) 错
n + what 错 prep + what + SVO 错 whose + V 错 where + V 错
状语从句引导词 + SVO √ prep + which + SVO √ that (adv) + SVO √
①从句是主句的一个句子成分.②从句=从句引导词+句子 ……that(……[who……{if……}])
(一)主语从句 从句是主句的一个主语 主+谓+宾 从句+谓+宾 从句=从句引导词+谓+宾 (标准)
That (TOEFL is a piece of cake)is know to all.
(二)从句是主句的一个宾语 主+谓+从句 S+Vt+从句引导词+句子 We know that (TOEFL is a piece of cake ).
(三)从句是主句的一个表语 主+系+表 主+系+从句 S+系动词+引导词+句子(标准)
The fact is that(TOEFL is a piece of cake ).
(四)从句是主句的一个状语 状,SVO。 从句,SVO。 从句引导词+句子,句子。
(五)同位语从句 从句是主语的一个同位语 主+谓+宾+宾语同位语 S+Vt+n+从句. S+Vt+n+从句引导词+句子.
We know fact that(TOEFL is a piece of cake ).
(六)定语从句 从句是主句是一个定语 主+谓+宾+定. S+Vt+n+从句. S+Vt+n+从句引导词+句子.
四 介词 33-43
1. between/among the distance between the tree/star
2. in/for/since (与时态相关)
in ①时刻点 in 1979 一般过去时
②in recent years/in the past few years 完成时 in two days 将来时
for ①连词 ,因为. 引导原因状语从句,并列连词,不可以位于句首. 句子,for+句子。
②prep 接一段时间.for three years. 即可以用完成时也可以用一般过去时.
since ①prep 自从. 接时刻点,since1945 完成时
②conj 因为;自从. 引导原因状语从句. since+句子,句子。
③adv (1)与完成时态连用 表示从过去某一个时间,事件至今.(2)与过去时态连用 Tom died many years since(ago).
though ①穿过(某一个具体物体).②通过(某种具体方式) though X-rays analyses.
thoughout ①接时间 "贯穿" thoughout his lifetime ②接地点 "遍布" all across the world
in/inside 静止,静态 强调状态 into 动态 强调动作过程
5.of ①遗漏 n1 of n2 ②多余③误用
※ of
6.by ①被动语态 be done by 不是词组就为 be done by
②by doing 通过……方法,手段 be capable of doing p171-40 讲义41,42,43
五 动词 44-73
(一) 谓语动词
①主谓一致的分隔原则 主谓之间可以用定语从句或省略的定语从句. S,——VO. 主谓一致与插入语无关.
②定语从句中主谓一致 n + that + V 谓语动词由先行词定.V单复数由动作的发出者定.n1 of n2+that+V
③随前一致 n together with n2 /of /as well as /in cluding/along V
④就近 n1 or n2 either ……or neither ……nor
⑤百分比结构 most/majorty/half/some/rest/one percent of 复数n+复数V 单数n+单数V n+V 不可数+单数V
⑥可数 n and 可数 n + 复数V 不可数 n and 不可数 n + 复数V
例外:war and peace is √ 表示一个整体概念的词例外 low and order, bread and butter ,black and white
⑦随后一致 not A but B + V not only A but also B + V
⑧倒装句 (Ⅰ)There be 句型 There be +n 表 系 主
( Ⅱ)由among,between等介词短语位于句首引起倒装句.Among/between……+系+n. 表 系 主
⑨"The + adj"的主谓一致. (Ⅰ)当表示一类人时用复数V.(Ⅱ)当表示某一抽象概念时用单数V.
⑩one of + 复数n +单数V , more than one +单数n+单数V,
many a +单数n+单数V, a + 单数n+or+two+单数V 主从/To do /Doing +单数V
特殊名词: news(不可数),species(由句意定),fungi(复数),economics(不可数), mumps(不可数)
时态 :一般现在时,一般过去时,现在完成时 prep→时间→时态→动词形态 考点:介词与动词形态的矛盾
in general /often ①一般现在时 ②一般过去时
语态:只考陈述句 情态动词永远不错,虚拟语气不考
S + insist/require + that + S + (should) + V (原)
英:可省可不省↑ ↑TOEFL中必须省
S + make + it + imperative + that + S + V(原)
※主/被动 ①句意②by③用法 ※have done by 永远错
view:主动 ……view……as…… 被动 ……be view as ……
①常考主动态的动词:prove (1) Vt+宾语(2)Vi+to be +n/adj
rank ,seem,range,measure,weigh,prove,happen,occur,appear,date(back to……)
②常考被动的动词 locate Vt 主动:"确定……的位置" 被动: be located "位于"
(be)noted for , (be)based on , (be)composed of , (be)concered with , be know /for+sth/to+代词/as+sb
(be)dedicated {to do sth 被题词 ( be)credited {with/for 促进了,有利于 (be)compared to/with
{to doing sth 致力于 ※ {to 归功于 (be)called
hatch=be hatched face=be faced with feed on =be feed on need,want,require, need doing = need to be done
please,move,surprise,annoy, Franklin is so moved , the story is so moving.
主动 被动→后置定语/状语 90%
进行 完成→前置定语 10%
the{ boided water 开水 a {falling apple 在空中 a retired √
{boiding point 沸点 {fallen apple 在地上 a retiring 错
句首: Doing ……,SVO. 主动 Done ……,SVO. 被动 分词划线看主被动
句末: SVO,doing…… 主动 SVO,done…… 被动
n + (doing……) 主动 被动优先选择 n + (done……) 被动
3.常考接 -doing 的Vt.
spend, enjoy, finish, celebrate, avoid, consider, give up, suggest, forgive, tolerate, quit, escape,mind, delay, be capable of doing ,
succeed in doing, keep/prevent...from doing ,cannot help/cannot help but do, keep(on) ,prep+doing ,
have difficulty(in)doing ,have trouble (in)doing ,have a hard /difficult time(in) doing , be skilled/skillful at/in doing
①help sb to do sth = help sb do sth help to do sth = help do sth
②使役动词 let,make,have,,bid后不定式必须省略to. have sb do sth/have sth done bid sb do 吩咐某人做某事
③感官动词 see,watch,notice,hear后不定式必须省略to. be seem to do sth be seem doing
①第一人 the first (sb)to do sth .②表示允许或迫使都接to do .allow ,permit ,force ,cause ,enable ※enable sb to do sth.
tend to do sth. attempt to do sth. be inclined to do sth. be (more)likely to do/that+句子.
be intended to do sth. be apt/liable to do sth 易于……
The purpose/goal/objective/function/aim/intantion of sth is to do sth(表语).
⑤与连接不定式的V/adj同词根 的名词后,也接不定式.
able to do sth →ability to do ; enable to do decide to do sth →decision to do be ambitions to do sth →ambition to do sth
try to do sth →make great effort to do sth
①不定式的将来式 主动=be to do, be going to do ,be about to do 被动=be to be done
○to be done 与done 的区别 to be done表将来 done表完成 不定式表目的,表将来
the surface to be glued 将要被粘 the surface glued 已经被粘
②不定式的完成式 主动: to have done 被动:to have been done 表示不定式的动作发生在谓语之前.
③The problem is easy to solve. √ The plan is difficult to carry out. √
六 adj的比较级和最高级 74-81
1.adj的比较级和最高级的重复 the more larger adj重复 quiet very close
2.adj的比较级和最高级的混用 most more of all + 复数n /in the world/among more most …… than
4.常考的修饰比较级的词 a little , a bit , slightly ,far ,much ,a lot , still
②倍数+more(-er) than Tom is twice older than Jerry.
③倍数+n+of n为比较的方面,age,weigh,size
④倍数+that of His weight is three times that of mine. that =as much as 那么多
6.定冠词the 与比较级间的关系 Alaska has the lower temperture than Texas. 比较级前可以加the,但通常有对照.
The new kind has higher value than the alder one.
※the + 比较级+ of the two + 复数 n Tom is the taller of the two boys. √
①Flies live longest …… √adv 最高级没有the
②adj最高级做前置定语时,加 the.
This is where the river is deepest. The consumers consider the best fruit to be that which is the most attractive.
⑥earliest的三种用法 (Ⅰ)可以做n,"早期" from the earliest of Tang Dynasty.
(Ⅱ)adj原,"很早的" from earliest times/ages (Ⅲ)adj最高级
8.……or more/less结构 an inch or more √ an inch or be more 错
an inch or more than 错 thirty five years of age or be older 错
七 平行结构
1.单一式 and ,or , but
2.短语类 as well as , rather than , other than , instead of , would rather than
3.相关式 both...and , not...but , from...to... , from...untill , between...and , not only...but also... , either...or , whether...or...
the same as , not so ...as either...or (引导从句) whether...or(引导主句)
1.词性的平行 在平行结构中,词性必须一致,但无同义adj的n例外. local,state,and national goverment √
2.时态的平行 在平行结构中,时态可以一致,也可以不一致,一致与否取决于时间是否相同.
3.单复数的平行 单复数可以一致,也可以不一致,一致与否取决于客观事实及上下文.
4.结构形式的平行 adj+n , doing , done , to do , V+宾
5.语意的平行 Dallas,Texas has become a natural hub of banking fashion,manufation,and transportation
6.排列位置的平行 not only A but also B 主 not only 谓 but also谓
Not only主谓(倒)+but also 谓 错 Not only 主谓(倒)+but also 主谓 √
八 词性的混用 90-112 词性→用法
1.做表语 n和adj/adv的混用 表语 ①adj/分词※②限定词+n③表语从句④to do ⑤prep短语
(Ⅰ)be + adv→be +adj (Ⅱ)be +抽象n→be+adj
(Ⅲ)be+n+prep→be+adj+prep be fame for →be famous for be value for→be valuable for
(Ⅳ)※表语唯一原则 be + adv + 表
2.做宾语n和动名词的混用 原则:同义的n比动名词优先
{jump 行为 {function 功能 {reason 原因
{jumping 运动方式 {functioning 作用 {reason 推理
(1)名词做宾语时,其后不可接宾语; 动名词做宾语时,其后可接宾语.
※when/while+n(孤立) 错 during+句子 错 例外:When still a youth man ,Humin had several books published.
②Although=though/despite=inspite of ※Despite+句子 错
连词+让步状语从句 prep+宾语
※Although +句子,句子。√ Despite the fact that + 句子,句子。 √
③Even(adv,甚至)/Even though(conj,尽管) ※Even + 句子,句子。错
①and(conj)/also(adv) "而且" ※ ……V also V 错 ※n also n 错
②or(conj)/else(adv) prep短 else prep短 错
③but(conj)/instead(adv) "但是"
editor--editoral composition--composter architect--architecture novelist--novel settler--settle sculptor--sculpture
inventor--invention post--poem,poetry musician--music manager--manage
例外:①n1修饰n2表示某一特定含义时,不将n1改为adj. exhibition flights 飞行表演 color monitor ,beauty salon
a stone table , intelligence test ,wildlife conservation organization ,corrision resistance 种类√
city planing , the state goverment , goverment program money, the student union
总结: n1+n2划线 ①最后考虑②有无同义adj,如无,不改;如有,是否附和例外③结合句意
7.做修饰语 adj与adv的混用 adj+n adv+除n以外 的词
①adv+n→adj+n 陷阱: be+adv+n be +adv √ adv+n 错 adv+同位语 √
②adj+adj+n 多个adj修饰n,语序是否正确,取决于修饰关系十分成立.
③adv+adj+n 语序是否正确,取决于修饰关系十分成立.
④adv+数+n √ 数+adv+n 错 adj+数+n 错 数+adj+n √
⑤adv adj adj/V/prep/adv/分词/数词
九 词序 113-116
1.adj与n的词序 n+adj→adj+n
例外: ①以a开头的 adj只可做表语或后置定语. alike ,alive, alone akin
②以-ble,-able,-ible,-ful结尾的adj可做后置定语. a woman successful in medical science.
③不定代词+adj something new ④adj短语只能做后置定语.
⑤n+adj可以为独立主格. SVO,n+adj……. Her brushes were always clean, her color fresh and bright.
2.adj/adv的词序 adj+adv→adv+adj 陷阱: adj+enough √
5.主系表结构 谓语动词为系动词
常考系动词: be rest ,remain ,maintain ,stay , turn , grow ,get ,become ,taste→感官动词 主系表,表系主.
6.常考的长词序 the + 最高级 + adv + 分词 + adj + n 分词和adj可以互换
the oldest continually occupied permanent settlement .
7.当more修饰其他 adj /adv 时,应紧接被修饰adj. still more abundent
more than/only修饰数量词时,应紧接数量词.
十 句子成分的特殊与重复 117-127
1.主句的重复 ①主,——, 主 谓宾. ②名词+ 代词 +谓宾. ③which +SVO
2.主语的缺失 ①状语从句引导词+ S VO. ②定语从句 prep + which + SVO
3.谓语的重复 ①主+谓……+谓…… 改法: (1)谓→非谓 (2)加conj
4.谓语的缺失 ①句子中没有V ②句子中有V但全为非谓语.
5.主句的缺失 conj+句子,conj+句子 错 选 C
6.主句的重复 ①SVO+ conj (which,who)SVO 错


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[此贴子已经被作者于2002-12-2 17:17:38编辑过]






十五 the more ……the more 34-35
标准句式:The more S+V ,the more S+V 。
(Ⅰ)对称性:结构中的n 前必须有限定词。
※ the more the + n ,the more the + n。优先选择
(Ⅲ)倒装性:the more S + V ,the more S +V 。
条件状语从句 只有第二个the more可以倒装

“倒装性:the more S + V ,the more S +V 。条件状语从句 只有第二个the more可以倒装”??

十八 adj最高级的省略结构 40-41
the + adj最高级 + 单数 n + of + 复数 n
※ 单数 n必须省略
the + adj最高级+ of + 复数 n
the + {① n }of
{② 最高级 }
the + adv/V/-ed 错
the + adj原级 + of √ p66-25/32
a + 单数可数 n + of p79-28 p93-40 p118-27

“the + adj原级 + of √ p66-25/32
a + 单数可数 n + of p79-28 p93-40 p118-27” 讲义上的例子是什么?没例子不好理解 :(

(Ⅲ)adj/分词短语位于句首倒装 46
adj +prep+n +系V+主语
※Typical of ,characteristic of
分词+prep +n+系V+主语 p131-15
※        coinciding with +n

又没例题? :(



34.The stronger(the)magnet,the greater the number of lines of magnetic force.
35.The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of the body of a runner,(the greater the stress) to the body.
40.The crane is (the tallest) of the wading birds.
41.Cows [U]are said [/U][U]to be [/U]the least [U]intelligently [/U]of [U]domestic [/U]animals.

[此贴子已经被yiyuan05于2002-12-11 21:04:32编辑过]




“倒装性:the more S + V ,the more S +V 。条件状语从句 只有第二个the more可以倒装”??

“the + adj原级 + of √ p66-25/32
a + 单数可数 n + of p79-28 p93-40 p118-27”

(Ⅲ)adj/分词短语位于句首倒装 46
adj +prep+n +系V+主语
※Typical of ,characteristic of
分词+prep +n+系V+主语 p131-15
※ coinciding with +n





我也觉得没见过 the more ..., the more....用倒装的,所以想看看例子。

yiyuan05, 后面两个疑问你能给我解释解释吗?

谢谢! :)





为什么 “the +adv/V-ed ”是错的,而“ the + adj.原级+of ”又是对的,p66-25/32 p79-28 p93-40 p118-27 p131-15 能贴给我看看?

多谢! 复习得怎样了?我现在的听力50题还要错10个左右 :(



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