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JHU Mkt面经with Julian&面经整理

昨天晚上10点面的 Julian很准时 大概面了20分钟的样子
2.why mkt
3.why master
4.Where do you hear about Carey
5.Carey's Philosophy: Humanity
6.Career Goal
7.Leadership style
8.What makes a good team
9.Which city do you like in America?(因为我去过美国 所以问的)
面试官人特别好 每一个问题都不断的说 good excellent  互动的地方也挺多的
和朋友mock的时候 我都挺不流利的 看到Julian帅哥 突然表现好了很多 =。=
大家面完记得发一封thank you letter哦~


I. Personal

1. Introduceyourself.

2. Where haveyou been in the US?

3. Which citydo you like most?

4. 在美国印象最深的是什么?

5. 你申请了几所学校,JHU是最佳选择嘛?

6. 有去出中国以外的什么地方旅游过吗?

7. Hobbies

8. Strength and weakness

9. 想去美国体验什么?

II. Major & Internship & Career goals

1. Why are youinterested in marketing? /why MKT  

2. Why masterprogram?

3. Why masternow?  


5.career goal: short-term and long-term (毕业后怎么打算,留美还是回中国)

6. 实习的经历(daily work responsibility)

7. 市场营销对哪个领域有兴趣,她举了digitalmkt, mkt analysis什么的

III. Team

1. Do youusually work in team or by individual?/ Team player or solo党,why

2. Why do youlike team work?


4.怎样一个team算是一个good team?

5. team work advantagedisadvantage(说一个situation,以及我是怎么解决的)/ teamwork experience(good partbad part,学到什么)

6. 你一个活动的经历,怎样体现领导力

7. good leaderquality

8. Leadership type/ Leadership sytle

9. teammate什么比较重要


1. What are yousearching for about a program? (大概就是比较关注program的哪些特点啦)

2.从哪儿知道Carey, Why Carey?/ 为什么Carey fit

3. 怎样看待philosophy of Careyhumanity/理解校训 humanity

4. Negative aspect of Carey?/ JHUshortcomings/你对carey 有何negative concern,如何overcome.

5. 除了academic的东西之外还在这个program里面追求什么。

6. How can this program help you?


1 Do we need to choose concentration or wejust take courses we want to learn?

2)  Could I take course from other Carey programsin Harbor East Campus

3) How long will admission process take? When can I know the results?

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many thanks



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