以下是引用nickynicky在2009-3-22 9:02:00的发言:
191.The loan company announced it would soon lend money to borrowers with proven records of their not paying back their loans on time, collectively known as the subprime lending market.
A. of their not paying back their loans on time,
B. of not paying back their loans on time, a group
C. of not paying back their loans on time, with such a group
D. that they do not pay back their loans on time,
E. that they do not pay back their loans on time, such a group
B - 同位语: borrowers = a group; 习惯用法: records of doing sth.
A. of their not paying ... not idomatic; collectively ... refers to borrowers? loans? unclear
B. OK, their clearly referes to borrowers'
C. with such as group modifies anounced? - confusing
D/E. the restrictive that clause is ungrammatically constructed to modify records. |