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An experiment was done in which human subjects recognize a pattern within a matrix of abstract designs and then select another design that completes that pattern. Th results of the experiment were surprising. The lowest expenditure of energy in neurons in the brain was found in those subjects who performed most successfully n the experiments.


Which of the following hypotheses best accounts for the findings fo the experiment?


A. The neurons of the brains react less when a subject is trying to recognize patterns thtan when the subject is doing other kinds of reasoning.

B. Those who performed best in the eperiment experienced more satisfaction when working with abstract patterns than did those who performed less well.

C. People who are better at abstract pattern recognition have more energy-efficient neural connections.

D. The energy expenditure of the subjects' brain increases when a design that completes the initiallty recognized pattern is determined.

E. The task of completeing a given design is more capably perfomed by athletes, whose energy expenditure is lower when they are at rest.


Ans: C

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A. 实验没有涉及reasoning的测试项目,排除

B. experienced more satisfaction 无关比较。

C. 辨别能力越强,神经元传递中使用的能量越高效(花最少的能量,做出最好的表

现)more energy-efficient neural connections加强

D. 无关

E. more capably perfomed by athletes 无关比较。


我是刚开始没看明白human subjects的意思,如果没有subjects我可能就明白了。后来查了单词,原来subject有国民的意思,于是恍然大悟,呵呵,各位见笑了。看懂题目是解题关键啊。





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