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OG12 13

13. A surge in new home sales and a drop in weekly
unemployment claims suggest that the economy might
not be as weak as some analysts previously thought.
(A) claims suggest that the economy might not be
as weak as some analysts previously thought
(B) claims suggests that the economy might not be
so weak as some analysts have previously
(C) claims suggest that the economy might not be
as weak as have been previously thought by
some analysts
(D) claims, suggesting about the economy that it
might not be so weak as previously thought by
some analysts
(E) claims, suggesting the economy might not be as
weak as previously thought to be by some
Agreement; Grammatical construction
Th e plural subject of this sentence (surge and drop)
requires a plural verb, suggest. Th e object of this
verb, the clause beginning with that, should be
presented in as clear and direct a manner as
A Correct. Th e plural subject is matched with
a plural verb.
B Th e singular verb suggests does not match
the plural subject of the sentence.
C Th e sentence off ers no plural subject to fi t
the passive verb have been thought.
D Th is construction is awkward, wordy, and
imprecise; it also lacks a main verb; there is
no reason to use passive voice, and suggesting
about the economy that it might … introduces
extra words that contribute nothing to the
meaning of this sentence fragment.
E Th e passive construction makes this
unnecessarily wordy; the lack of a main verb
makes this a sentence fragment.
Th e correct answer is A.

答案没问题: 只是对E选项 OG 解释说,缺乏动词谓语不理解。 might not be  不就是动词谓语。。
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回楼主,认为suggesting 后面其实省略了that,所以might not be 是从句的谓语,主句是没有谓语的


同意LS,might not be是从句的谓语哦




as... as   我们不是一般用在肯定句。

so... as 用来表达否定句吗。

这道题正确选项 A,  表达的时候 not.... as... as。



as... as   我们不是一般用在肯定句。

so... as 用来表达否定句吗。

这道题正确选项 A,   ...
nianbohu 发表于 2013-2-24 18:52

not as/so ......as



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