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上海 6月29 760

作文:Argument是说一个叫George的人在一个大学城开了一家restaurant,发现他家的spicy sandwiches的sales无比好。他决定再开三家新店,并且准备提拔一直由他带领的三个员工为新店的manager。他宣称这样以来他可以得到triple的利润。

           ISSUE是说一个TEAM里面存在一个有着central authority的人物会影响队伍的efficiency。试讨论以上观点。

数学:感觉遇到一些JJ的题目。其中有一道是本来我就怀疑的。http://forum.chasedream.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=22&ID=393666&page=2 结果没人理会我。。。。考试时候我还是毅然选了A。别的映像不深了

VERBAL:感觉语法题目比较简单。阅读的四篇都是我在JJ里面看到的,分别是1.讨论为什么公司不愿意转换结构,给出三种理论(organization inertia, manager's sense of being threatened, measures are taken one by one rather than a cluster of), 然后一一驳斥,最后给出一个partial explanation




逻辑题影像深的有两道。一道 是说调查发现交通事故的起因是两个。1.开车打电话。2.同车的有18岁以下未成年。现在当地制定法律,规定新申领驾照的18岁以下人员需要在3个月的时间中不做什么什么 。立法者宣称这法律不仅能在3个月的有效期中大量减少该种驾驶员的交通事故,也能在3个月后对这类驾照持有者持续有效。问Assumption。非常的不确定。


GF现在正在考试,还有半个多小时就出来了,帮着积攒一下人品。我在person center旁边的网吧里发的JJ,哈哈。

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夏威夷的temple 高分的最后一篇

Old V1新旧JJ集合 
第二段:科学家有一种新的科技,新的科技或者是利用同位素测试uranium test中装饰这个塔的某个海生植物。检测庙里的珊瑚饰物的年代,发现是1620年左右吧,测出其丰收的时间等等. 大概gap20年。(两个表述不一,注意:所以这个发现证明的当地人的说法。Or就是说明了这个塔修时间和原来想的不一样 )。发现Hawaii的temple大都建于2,3十年间,而不是之前人们认为的250年。并围此出题。由于这个庙是当地多余(surplus)物品的聚集和交换地,有重要的作用。因此都出这社会文明结构(这个复合词不认识)may serve one generation. 科学家用了新方法,证明 大量用于分配产品的寺庙建于17世纪初,从而证明了口述历史中17世纪初的大变革。


Temples in Hawaii - Maui. Oral history told by Hawaii locals states that King B united two tribes during ... Researchers think the social politics change of Hawaii happened in a single period of history.Recently, researchers are able to date the temple by U..230..(two elements of temple wall)... It proves that many temples were built using the same material during a short period of time. Temples were used as a center to control the production and collect surplus foods. Therefore, it confers what oral history said. 


1.原文的目的:选项实在看不出来.我混淆的选项是 A新的证据证明这个文明结构reform非常短 还是Enovelty技术描述了历史,

2. q1有两个选型比较混淆:一个说文章是用新的科学技术证实了一个地区的历史;另一个选项是说,文章证实了口述者的话,并让人们对于某个地区的了解更正确了,(我现在比较肯定这题答案应该是第一个,因为整篇文章强调新证据改变了科学家对进程的pace见解的change,总之大家读原文好好体会,抓好最主要的意思)

3.serve vone generation 的作用。我选:这个文明结构比原想的更uneven

3.原文暗示了什么?其中B是 这个塔primarily是物品(无多余)的交换和集合地.我觉得不像.我选的是"这个水生植物被装饰到塔得时候还是活的,when harvest time." 选项如此,我也没太读懂



6.最后一段single generation那句话是指什么有道题,我选的大概是指这个span比较短的那个

7.人们从一种uranium test中发现Hawaii的temple大都建于2,3十年间,而不是之前人们认为的250年。并围此出题。


2007年4月RC机经多次出现夏威夷寺庙(Hawaii Temples),通过google终于找到原文(我没看过原文,这是基于各前辈所写的机经内容而找的,对照之后觉得十分相似,请看过原文的前辈看看是否就是这东东)。内容如下:

Proto-historic Hawaiian temples on the island of Maui may have mushroomed up within just 30 years, not 250 as previously supposed, scientists say. The findings could significantly alter researchers' understanding of the pace of precontact sociopolitical change in the Pacific.

Hawaiian genealogies and oral histories hold that sometime around 1600 A.D. a ruler named Pi'ilani united two opposing chiefdoms on Maui into a peaceful kingdom, marking the emergence of a religious state on the island. Archaeologists had been unable to confirm that sequence of events, however, in part because of the limitations of carbon dating.

In the new work, Patrick V. Kirch and Warren D. Sharp of the University of California and Berkeley used another kind of radiometric technique involving thorium-230, rather than carbon-14, to date bits of branch coral that were collected from living reefs and left as divine offerings at seven different temples during construction. Dates for these corals, which had been incorporated into walls and platform fill, all fell in a narrow range of 1565 to 1638 A.D., give or take a few years on either end. Moreover, dates on the samples that best reflect the time they were harvested from the sea--those from the coral branch tips--ranged from 1608 to 1638 A.D., an interval of just 30 years. These findings thus point to intensive temple-building during that time. Because temples served as centers for control of production and the collection of surplus goods, the team contends, it seems likely that the construction boom accompanied a profound shift in sociopolitical structure.

Kirch and Sharp observe that the conquests described by local oral traditions coincide with these new dates, and would have more than doubled the size of the Maui polity to upwards of 2,360 square kilometers--the magnitude of expansion expected with the formation of an archaic state. "The temples provide tangible archaeological evidence of the speed with which a fundamental sociopolitical transition occurred in proto-historic Hawaii," the authors conclude. Indeed, they note, it may have happened in the span of a single generation of Hawaiians.



    在 新的研究中,K和S用一种T-230同位素技术(取代常用的C-14)对一块从7个古庙中找到的礁石上的珊瑚(该珊瑚是当时从活的珊瑚礁上取下作为一种供 奉品放在古庙里的)进行时间追踪定位。这些珊瑚是从古庙的墙和屋顶中发现的,定位出的时间落在一段很窄的范围内——公元1565-1638年间(或前后波 动几年)。而且,对珊瑚尖部——最能反映真实时间的部分——的定位落在更窄的范围——公元1608-1638年间,仅30年。这些发现显示了当时大范围的 建庙活动。因为考虑到古庙在当时是控制商品生产和聚集的中心,研究小组推测,这些建筑的兴起伴随着社会意识形态结构的转变。

    K和 S考察发现,当地民间记载的“统一过程”和实验测定的新结果时间吻合,而且将M政权领土扩大了一倍到2360平方公里——重要的古代帝国建成与扩张的过 程。“这些古庙为古代时期夏威夷基础社会意识形态转变的进程速度提供了考古学依据”,笔者总结道。他们说到,实际上,这一转变可能就发生在一代夏威夷人中。




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