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At HEC MBA you will be immersed in unforgettable hands-on leadershipdevelopment experiences in unusual contexts.Our course is focused on the idea of "learning by doing" -that is, on experiential learning as a way to put the leadership theory learntin the classroom into practice.

As an HEC MBA student, you will be given theopportunity to exercise your leadership and teamwork skills outside of theclassroom, with student-organized events such as the MBA Tournament and Student-run Conferencesproviding the perfect occasion to collaboratewith and lead your classmates. In addition, events such as the Off-Campus LeadershipSeminar - at St-Cyr Military Academy - and the CEO series - organized on campus throughout theyear - will give you the chance to learn and develop core leadership skills inaction, from some of the best practitioners. TEC on Campus is a specialized coaching service allowed to12 full-time HEC MBA students per intake, where students learn throughdiscussing with business leaders and sharing their experience and those oftheir peers.

HEC Paris MBA is a truly hands-on experience.

b 一系列CEO培训体制

What does it take to bea successful and innovative CEO, at the helm of one of the world’s leadingbusinesses? For the answer to thisburning question, HEC Paris students need look no further than the MBA CEOSpeaker Series, which sees some of Europe’s most influential leaders come tothe HEC campus for an evening of speech and discussion. Last month, studentsheard from guest speaker Virginie Calmels, chairman of Disneyland ParisSupervisory Board and ex-CEO of Endemol, the world’s largest independentproduction company. The next events in the series will be held in November andFebruary, and will see Jean-Yves Fillion (CEO of BNP Paribas’ North AmericanCorporate and Investment Banking) and Jean Hormain (CEO of Le Parisien andAujourd’hui en France) come to HEC to interact with our MBA students.

c.MBA tournament:

The MBATournament (MBAT) is a student-run 3 day sporting event that takes place on theHEC Campus every year in May, with around 1500 MBA participants from 15international schools. By particpating, you will have a unique opportunity toput together a large scale project with your fellow MBA participants fromaround the world. You will experience what it takes to manage a complex andmultinational organization, and you will have the opportunity to network withhundreds of MBA students from all corners of the Earth.

d 出校园参加 leadership seminar交流会

Each year, the whole HECMBA class (both full-time and part-time) takes part in the 2-dayoff-campus Leadership Seminar at Saint-Cyr Military Academy. Over thecourse of the seminar, you will exercise and express your team leadership skillsby participating in field exercises. You will carry out a unique set oftraining activities in small teams under the supervision of French armyofficers who are used to making difficult decisions under pressure.

During the seminar, youwill lead a team of ten classmates to perform a real task in an unusualcontext, such as making a group of people cross a river, which will put yourdecision-making and leadership skills to the test, far removed from theclassroom environment.

The Leadership Seminartakes place in April each year.

e 学生自发组织的论坛

As part of HEC ParisMBA's emphasis on "learning by doing" and on experiential learning,students are encouraged to organize conferences throughout the year in order toput their leadership skills into practice. In recent years, the best-recognizedstudent-run conferences has been the Sustainable Business Conference,which aims to discuss and look at ways to help business become more sustainablein today's society.

Conferencesorganized by our students in the recent months include: The First HEC ElectricVehicle Conference in partnership with Nissan (organized by the
Energy Club),"Insights into Hypercompetitive Industries" in partnership with theBoston Consulting Group (hosted by the
Consulting Club) and"Women Matter" in partnership with McKinsey (organised by the
Women in Leadership Club

f TEC on campus

TheExecutive Committee (TEC) On-Campus Program consists of a group of 12participants per Full-time intake. Within the TEC group, you will discusscrucial professional and personal choices with your peers, a senior coach andseveral CEO-speakers who come and share their experiences in an intimatediscussion.


经济世界一直在变化并带来不一样的新挑战。最近 我们与合作伙伴如顶尖咨询公司,MBA招聘公司-Bain一起进行了新的课程设置。这些新的课程已于2012年9月开始实施。

在课程设计期间,我们采访了全球MBA招募者来分析他们希望在MBA毕业生身上寻找怎样的技能,最后把搜集来的新元素加入到MBA课程里面。印象最深刻的是大多数公司喜欢hire能在国际市场中创造成长机会的年轻人。这些公司期望新进的职员可以积极投入到公司的业务里。你在HEC得到的training会帮助你满足这些要求并掌握analytical,managerial,entrepreneurial skill,开放的国际视野。第一,你会学到核心的技能-analytical和managerial ,掌握这两项技能可以适应复杂多变的经济世界。我们的MBA课程很好地混合了课本学习和实践学习,如MBA Tournament,Off-campus Leadership Seminar.


最后,你可以为你的MBA career goal 量身选择一系列选修课程或者申请一家公司的international exchange或参与一个项目。



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