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The sense of delayed gratification, of working now for later pleasure, has helped shape the economic behavior of our society. However, that sense is no longer nurtured as consistently in our children as it once was. For example, it used to take a bit of patience to put together the toys that children got in cereal boxes; now the toys come from the boxes whole.
Which of the following is an assumption of the passage above? (C)
A.A.The toys in cereal boxes have changed partly because the economic conditions of our society have improved.
B.B.The influence of promotion gimmicks on the economic behavior of our society has increased over the years.
C.C.The toys that used to come in cereal boxes were put together by the same children who played with them.
D.D.Part of the pleasure of any toy lie in putting the toy together before playing with it.
E.E.Today's children do not expect a single toy to provide pleasure for a long period of time.
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The passage talks about "delayed gratification" : working now for later pleasure. D actually contradicts the topic of the passage.

The question used "assumption" to confuse us. C is in fact "implied" not assumed in the stem in "For example, it used to take (children ) a bit of patience to put together the toys that children got in cereal boxes"


I think C is the right answer. The exmaple cited in the argument is to say that children in the past had to work patiently before enjoy toys, while children now don't  have to. Thus it relies on an assumption that it is the child who played with the toys later that actually put together the toys in the cereal box.





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