伤财 M49, V41
AI “ A nation must maintain a highly competitive educational system — a system in which students compete among themselves and agains students from other countries — to ensure its own economic success.”
AA The following appeared as part of a plan proposed by an executive of the Easy Credit Company to the president.
“ The Easy Credit Company would gain an advantage over competing credit card services if we were to donate a portion of the proceeds from the use of our cards to a well-known environmental organization in exchange for the use of its symbol or logo on our card. Since a recent poll shows that a large percentage of the public is concerned about environmental issues, this policy would attract new customers, increase use among existing customers, and enable us to charge interest rates that are higher than the lowest ones available.”
MATH 很多JJ,题目不难,可我数学太差了,对数字没感觉也记不清楚。
SC: 见鬼了,竟然碰到了3道OG SC,太小看人了! 记得有一个是cars more fuel efficient than those presently on the road。
RC 1: Lonewolf
Q1: What is the passage primarily concerned with?
Q2: The passage mentions the XX' study in order to? (就是那个correctly emphasize 那一段),我选择的是为了引申出作者下一步详细阐述的观点。
RC 2: Ice age理论
科学家们大多认同一个H提出的理论,那就是地球在围绕太阳旋转的时候发生fluctuation由此产生了ice age。这个理论在1980's得到了广泛的认可,原因是海洋学家John I. 发现了一些支持性的证据(oxygen isotapes from ocean sediments).
然而现在一个新的研究否定了这个理论,某某从fresh water采集来的什么mineral表明每个ice age之间的warm周期要比原来认为的长2倍,因而无法和地球的旋转周期相匹配。
虽然大多数的科学家认为某某(第二段那个人)挖的证据是错误的,但是John I(第一段那个海洋学家)在认同H先生的理论的基础上,提出各个理论的数据之间的差异可能是由于ocean 和fresh water之间的差异造成的。
Q1: It could be inferred from the passage that H's theory would not be widely accepted if ? 我选的是John I没有发现那些关键的证据。
RC 3: urbanization 对妇女经济地位的影响。
RC 4:
American corporation要实现增长变得越来越困难了。即使在最好的1990's,这个增长也只局限于revenue。而且,那些有apparrent strong growth record的企业也是通过一些激进的方法来实现这样的增长的,比如说aggressive的国际化和大幅提价。美国本土市场已经日趋成熟,竞争异常白热化,然而,要通过国际化来实现增长同样的困难。在传统的大的市场,比如Western Europe和Japan,这些地方的竞争并不亚于美国本土。而那些被认为有大发展空间的发展中新兴市场,却由于当地的保护性政策和市场的不成熟而很难开拓。
通过大幅提价来实现增长同样困难重重。在1990's虽然通货膨胀is mute(不知道什么意思?),但是企业们仍然可以通过提价来实现revenue的增长,比如breakfast cereals等等。但是在今天的市场中,由于过分的竞争,企业们不但无法提高价格,事实上,他们中的大多数都在考虑如何minimize price decline。
Q: The passage refers that the inflation in 1990's is mute in order to ? 我选择的是为了表明为什么看起来1990's提价也很困难。 |