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第一篇阅读MS是新的,讲honey classification analyze的。3/4屏。
P1:people generally think that the color of the honey is the same , however, the color of the honey(raw honey) is variable. +举例说有什么什么颜色。
P2:it is rather difficult to classify the color of the honey. … … 有一个人A发明了一种办法可以better classify the color. The method is : 和光照light 有关,越暗就怎么样。。越亮就怎么样。。(有题,问哪个可以削弱the method. 选项中都没有light这个词,选它的同义即可 )
If the method really works, it help the industry maker better control the process. 然后举例wine industry,说上面提到的那个method 就好象wine industry中的x(也是一种classification method),which help the wine industry.(infer 题,关于wine industry 哪个是对的,)
SC:有一题考到了for example , as for example. “,”“;”. 就是在这四个东西里面两两搭配,划线的在中间,这个纠结了很久啊~