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white lead factory 不是“白人铅工厂”的意思。white lead 是“铅白,铅粉”的意思。



铅中毒。老机经。讲某组织要求法院出台法令去限制妇女在白人工厂中的雇佣数量,因为许多妇女都在这里出现铅中毒。 另一组织WIXX反对这一要求,认为这样会导致妇女在白人铅工厂中被排挤出来,就像以前发生的类似情况那样。 第三组织SPEX也持反对意见,认为加强公司的安全规定即可。他们调查了许多工厂,认为更严格的规定会有效。WIXX也同意这一观点(Concur)。后一组织在1830年放弃了对后来通过的Proposal的反对,因为他们发现更严格的规定在白人工厂中实际上是无法做到或者不被遵守。
问WIXX与SPEX怎么样。选他们agree sth or disagree sth.
以下哪一条可Support SPEX的观点,选在实施更严格的安全规定的工厂妇女铅中毒的发病率较低。( 自己太过自信,应该做些笔记,这些组织的名字写下来。)
是否允许women在white lead industry中工作。 (问题解决型)
因为white lead industry中妇女中毒伤亡的很多, 所以大家争论立法禁止women在lead环境下工作. 接着作者一共举了三个组织的建议和理由。一个支持,两个反对。
支持: 理由是保障妇女权益(大概如此)
反对:1)说可以通过严格控制工厂环境来达到保护环境的目的, 因此不用制止women工作就可以减少伤害 2)说如果不让妇女参加这种工作,就会引起性别歧视。
A组织提出立法保护白人铅工厂(White lead factory)里的妇女,因为有人中毒;
B组织反对,说这样使妇女的工作机会降低了(问题答案), 而且,如果遵守工厂已有的security regulation,中毒可以避免(问题答案)。又有组织支持立法,因为...(问题答案,可我忘了)
The Secretary of House appointed by the Gouvernment of Britain proposes a law that would restrict the access of the women at jobs in the white lead industry IMPORTANT: as a predecessor advised, please write down the line in which each name of the porhanisations appear. Three organizations have opinions that are presented. One of the organisations contents that the conditions that make the presence of the women in the lead industry are controlable, namely the enforcement safety measures and the HYGIENE (卫生,健康)(this word appears in the answer)
Question: What the present legislation, in W... organisation opinion, is common to the old legislation?
Both restrict the access of women to the occupational domains(?)= jobs
Q2: Subject? My ans: (not sure) Presents the oppinions of three organisations to a law proposal (something like this)
18**年英国通过一个法案,限制有些工厂雇佣女工,理由是保护女工,因为这些厂排放white lead使女工生病。一个妇女组织说就算冲着解雇女工这点,管他其他理由,我们也反对这个法案。另外一个组织也反对这个法案,并且作了详细的调研(内容忘了)。第三个组织,本来一直是女权组织却同意这个法案,原因好像是反正工厂也不会执行这个法案。题目中,有一个是说如果工厂严格执行排放控制,排放根本就不会对人有害,根本就不需要解雇女工。(我选了这个,题目忘了)
反对组织S:W1同意S的观点(有考题)。可以通过严格控制工厂环境来达到保护环境的目的, 因此不用制止妇女在铅厂工作就可以减少伤害。
问题 1:主题题 (评论三个组织的态度,有混淆项,后来的XDJM小心)
问题2:W1与S怎么样。他们同意或不同意一些事情。 我选同意某事
问题4:W1 和W2 有什么不同
Acting on the recommendation of a British government committee investigating the high incidence in white lead factories of illness among employees, most of whom were women, the Home Secretary proposed in 1895 that Parliament enact legislation that would prohibit women from holding most job in white lead factories. Although the Women’s Industrial Defense Committee (WIDC), formed in 1892 in response to earlier legislative attempts to restrict women’s labor, did not discount the white lead trade’s potential health dangers, it opposed the proposal, viewing it as yet another instance of limiting women’s work opportunities. Also opposing the proposal was the Society for Promoting the Employment of Women (SPEW), which attempted to challenge it by investigating the causes of illness in white lead factories. SPEW contended, and WIDC concurred, that controllable conditions in such factories were responsible for the development of lead poisoning. SPEW provided convincing evidence that lead poisoning could be avoided if workers were careful and clean and if already extant workplace safety regulations were stringently enforced. However, the Women’s Trade Union League (WTUL), which had ceased in the late 1880’s to oppose restrictions on women’s labor, supported the eventually enacted proposal, in part because safety regulations were generally not being enforced in white lead factories, where there were no unions (and little prospect of any) to pressure employers to comply with safety regulations.
Prevailing scholarly opinion holds that modern science began with the great achievements of the scientific revolution of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Modern science should not, however, be identified with any particular set of scientific achievements. Rather, modern science should be identified with a particular way of approaching the study of nature, and many important elements of this approach were already in place and articulated as early as the fourteenth century. Jean Buridan, a prominent fourteenth-century Parisian scholar, argued that science is predicted on the assumption of the “common course of nature” This profound assumption represented a major shift in scholarly focus from the theological investigation of the uncommon or miraculous to the attempted explanation of the regular structure and operation of the world in purely rational and secular terms. Buridan also advocated the application of Occam’s razor, the principle that science should seek the simplest possible explanation that fits the evidence. The one important ingredient of modern science that was missing prior to the sixteenth century was the widespread use of experiments, and the scientific revolution of the sixteenth century began when scientists started to use experiments to discover new answers to questions that had already been pondered for several centuries.



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